Shakeup in Luxembourg Socialist Party: President’s Surprising Change of Heart and its Impact on Regional and Federal Elections

2023-12-05 20:59:00

A dramatic turn of events for the Luxembourg Socialist Party. While the heads of the list for the next regional and federal elections seemed well and truly assured, the president of the PS Mélissa Hanus is completely changing her tune.

A wish from the president

Just a few months ago, she confirmed that she would take first place on the federal list of the Socialist Party in her capacity as an outgoing MP.

She has just announced internally a change of heart on her part: this time she plans to take the list to the Region, which would force the outgoing regional deputy Philippe Courard to emigrate to the federal list.

A strategy turned upside down

This obviously disrupts everyone’s plans since many candidates had already been contacted to appear on the lists, knowing in particular that ten are needed for the Chamber and twelve for the Region. The reversal of the heads of the list will change the strategy of forming the lists for these two personalities from both ends of the province, Not to mention that their opponents will be different. Mélissa Hanus would at the same time get rid of her troublesome neighbor Benoît Piedboeuf, MR federal deputy and head of the list in 2024 and of Benoît Lutgen, head of the Engagés list, outgoing European deputy.

The president’s decision takes the informed Luxembourg socialists by surprise. The astonishment among the holders of the information is present at all levels. And what role will Charles Coibion ​​play in this play? The federal secretary of the Luxembourg PS, close to Mélissa Hanus and who has just announced that he will be head of the list in the municipal elections in Arlon, might become the deputy of its president.

However, no decision is (yet) official.

Accumulation of mandates

Philippe Courard, who is aiming for an absolute majority in the next elections in Hotton and thereby a mandate as mayor, might combine both functions if he becomes a federal deputy. Which would not be the case for Mélissa Hanus who would not be able to exercise a mandate as alderwoman for example in her commune of Étalle if she becomes a Walloon deputy.

#Twist #Mélissa #Hanus #Philippe #Courard #switch



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