Shahid Afridi’s Fearless Insight: Analyzing His Perspective on the Smart Lockdown Approach

Shahid Afridi’s Fearless Insight: Analyzing His Perspective on the Smart Lockdown Approach

Shahid Afridi, the former captain of the Pakistan cricket team, has termed the smart lockdown as flawed and said that it causes more rush of people in the market.

Shahid Afridi said that ‘I will thank the entire nation for remembering me and my entire family in prayers, but I had no such symptoms’.

On the question about being affected by the corona virus, he said that ‘after the day it happened, three or four days were a little difficult, after which there was a lot of improvement, but I did not quarantine except for the first two or three days’.

He said, “When I got better, I came out of the room and resumed my routine and activities because it would have been difficult for me to stay in bed, so I was training 50 percent, not 100 percent.”

The former captain said that ‘when I started training, I was feeling hungry and wanted to eat because I didn’t taste food for a couple of days in the beginning’.

He said that ‘I became my own doctor, there is a strong need to be careful about distance and cleanliness’.

Shahid Afridi said about the corona virus that it is a disease that should not be taken lightly but caution is very important.

Regarding awareness in remote areas, he said, “I doubted that it would happen but thankfully it didn’t happen in the early days otherwise a lot of people would have been affected because I went to distribute rations and three or three and a half months later Affected’.

He said that ‘some people go or come to the city, there was some awareness and caution was seen somewhere but not everywhere, like if it was seen in Karachi, in Clifton, but the rest of the city is open’.

Shahid Afridi said that ‘I don’t understand the lockdown to be opened from that time to that time because when people know that everything will be closed after 7 o’clock, what a rush there is’.

He said that ‘we have to take care of ourselves, we have the problem of poverty and unemployment before covid-19, covid-19 will end but unemployment is a bigger disease than covid-19’.

“I wonder what will happen after Covid-19 because I have come across people who are in trouble,” he said.

To a question, he said that many people were not part of the Ehsaas program and did not have an identity card and there were many people who said that the government has taken identity cards for ration but it has been two to two and a half months and they were waiting. The ration had not arrived’.

Shahid Afridi said that “I think I have also seen such politicians that a group of ministers and members of the assembly had gathered, but they did not see the people who are inside the huts, the children with bare feet, while going on a pilgrimage from Quetta.” Although I have seen them sitting from Karachi and I have visited them for the second time.

He said that ‘Allah has given them power and authority, where are they? I don’t have a chair. You don’t need a chair to work, you need intention.’

The former star all-rounder said that ‘those who have a chair and who I have come to see now, they will be asked here and they will be asked above, they have to be asked above but they will also be asked here’.

He said that the foundations are not working either, which are big NGOs, they only work inside the cities so that they can be seen by the media and everywhere, many NGOs do not work, but there are very few NGOs that work. are doing’

On a question about joining politics, he said that ‘I am as irritated by the pictures as I am by any other star, but I can’t find the man who took these pictures’.

He said that ‘I did not put a picture of my prayer on social media because it is a matter between me and Allah, but if people take it out of themselves, I can’t stop them.’

Shahid Afridi said that ‘I have worked with many brands that benefited me and promoted the brand, but I am the producer, director, writer, cameraman and photographer of this work, this is a poor man’s brand. is’.

He said that ‘I want to show these people to the world that these are the people who are really in need and reach out to them and fulfill their needs’.

The former captain said that ‘the purpose of my showing is to show the people who receive donations to show them that your donations and money are coming here’.

He said that ‘I like the politics that my grandfather and great-grandfather did, it is a very simple politics to serve the people and take care of their needs and give their right to the rightful’.

Shahid Afridi said that ‘I don’t need a chair to do any work, I want the work to be small but quality work and currently I have no intention to enter politics, but what will happen tomorrow, Allah knows because I Doesn’t plan too far’.

#Shahid #Afridi #call #Smart #Lockdown #wrong #main #reason #revealed
2024-09-11 19:28:09

Shahid⁣ Afridi daughter

Shahid Afridi: A Cricket Legend’s Take on COVID-19 ‌and‍ Social​ Responsibility

Shahid Afridi, the former⁢ captain of the Pakistan cricket team, has‍ been making ‍headlines not just for⁤ his cricketing skills, but also for his humanitarian work and opinions on social issues. In a recent​ interview,⁢ Afridi shared his thoughts on the COVID-19 ⁣pandemic, the government’s response ‌to it, ‌and⁢ his own experiences with the⁤ disease.

Afridi’s Battle with⁤ COVID-19

In June 2020, Afridi announced on Twitter that ⁢he had tested positive for COVID-19, becoming the first‍ high-profile cricketer to be infected with the virus [2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2]. In his interview, ⁢Afridi revealed that he ⁤had been feeling unwell for a ⁣few days before ​getting tested, with body aches and other⁢ symptoms. He quarantined ‌himself for only two‌ to three days, after​ which he started feeling better and resumed ‌his daily routine [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1].

Critique of the Smart Lockdown

Afridi expressed his ‌disappointment with the government’s smart lockdown strategy, calling it “flawed”⁢ and saying that‌ it causes more ⁤people to rush ⁢to the markets. He believes that⁢ the ⁢lockdown should have been more strictly enforced to​ prevent the spread‍ of the virus.

Importance of Awareness and Precautions

Afridi emphasized the importance of taking precautions⁣ against COVID-19, saying that people ​need to be careful about their distance and cleanliness. He also stressed the⁢ need for awareness, especially in⁣ remote areas where access to information and healthcare is⁣ limited.

Social Responsibility and Politics

Afridi criticized politicians and NGOs ‍for⁣ not doing enough to help those in need. He said ⁢that many​ people were not ​part ⁣of the Ehsaas program‌ and⁢ did not have identity cards, making it difficult for them to access government assistance. He also expressed his frustration⁣ with NGOs that only work⁢ in cities, saying that they should focus on helping those in need in rural areas.

Personal Reflections‌ and⁤ Humanitarian Work

Afridi⁣ spoke about his own⁢ experiences with poverty and‍ hunger, ⁢saying that he⁤ wants to show the ⁢world the reality of poverty and help those in​ need.​ He has been working ‌with brands to promote his philanthropic work, saying that ‌he is the “producer, director, writer,‍ cameraman, and photographer” of his⁢ own brand.


Shahid Afridi’s interview provides a unique ‍insight⁣ into the thoughts and experiences of‍ a cricket legend who has been affected by the COVID-19 ‌pandemic. ​His criticism⁢ of the‌ government’s response to the pandemic and his emphasis on social responsibility are ​important⁢ reminders of the need for collective‌ action ⁢in ⁤times of crisis. As ‍a‍ humanitarian and a sports icon,⁤ Afridi’s words carry⁤ weight,‍ and ⁤his message of compassion and⁤ responsibility is one that resonates with people ​from all walks of ‌life.

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title: **Shahid Afridi: The Former Pakistani Cricket Captain’s Take on Smart Lockdown and COVID-19**:

Shahid Afridi: The Former Pakistani Cricket Captain’s Take on Smart Lockdown and COVID-19

Shahid Afridi, the former captain of the Pakistan cricket team, has been quite vocal about his views on the smart lockdown implemented in Pakistan to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Afridi, who has been actively involved in philanthropic work, recently contracted COVID-19 himself and has shared his experiences and opinions on the pandemic and the government’s response to it.

Contracting COVID-19

In a recent social media post, Afridi revealed that he had tested positive for COVID-19, saying, “I’ve been feeling unwell since Thursday; my body had been aching badly. I’ve been tested and the result is positive” [[1]]. He urged his fans to pray for his recovery and thanked them for their support.

Experiences with COVID-19

In an interview, Afridi shared his experiences with COVID-19, stating that the first few days were difficult, but he did not quarantine for long, resuming his routine and training at 50% capacity [[2]]. He emphasized the importance of taking care of oneself, being cautious about distance and cleanliness, and not taking the disease lightly.

Criticism of Smart Lockdown

Afridi expressed his concerns about the smart lockdown, calling it “flawed” and stating that it causes more rush of people in the market. He believes that the lockdown timings should not be announced in advance, as it leads to a rush of people trying to complete their tasks before the lockdown starts.

Awareness in Remote Areas

Afridi, who has been involved in distributing rations to those in need, highlighted the lack of awareness about COVID-19 in remote areas. He stated that he went to distribute rations three and a half months after the pandemic began and saw that some people were still unaware of the risks [[3]].

Poverty and Unemployment

The former captain emphasized that poverty and unemployment were significant issues in Pakistan even before the COVID-19 pandemic and that these problems need to be addressed. He believes that COVID-19 will eventually end, but unemployment is a more significant disease that needs to be tackled.

Philanthropic Work

Afridi’s foundation has been actively involved in distributing rations and providing aid to those affected by the pandemic. He believes that NGOs should work in remote areas, not just in cities, to make a more significant impact. He also expressed his disappointment with politicians and NGOs that do not work effectively to address the needs of the people.

Politics and Personal Life

When asked about joining politics, Afridi expressed his frustration with the system and the lack of accountability. He emphasized that intention and action are more important than holding a chair or position. He also shared his views on personal matters, stating that he keeps his prayers and personal life private, but cannot stop others from sharing their own experiences.

Shahid Afridi’s experiences and views on COVID-19, smart lockdown, and philanthropic work provide valuable insights into the challenges faced by Pakistan during the pandemic. His emphasis on caution, awareness, and action is a reminder that we all need to play our part in combating this global health crisis.







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