Shadows Over a Golden Anniversary: Power Struggles Cast a Pall on New Democracy’s Landmark Celebration

The same information states that Karamanlis and Samaras have communicated with each other regarding this decision, which confirms the assessments that wanted the two former prime ministers to move en bloque.

New Democracy: Rigilli’s street party and Mitsotakis’ answers

A little while before he was at the street party at the historical seat of the N.D. at Rigillis 18, (8 p.m.) for the 50 years of the New Democracy, the Prime Minister and President of the National Democratic Party, Kyriakos Mitsotakis will speak about everyone and everything, in an interview that he will grant to Livenews (Mega) and Nikos Evangeliato.

Yesterday, however, the “blue” MPs were informed by the Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiadis, about the government policy on Health. Coming to the information of the parliamentarians of the N.D. Mr. Georgiadis was asked by parliamentary editors about the Question submitted to him the day before yesterday by the 8 “blue” and who request the extension of the free administration of medicines to low pensioners.

The minister said that this Question “was very good and in a good style” and “very useful”, noting that “we are weighing it and if there is the financial margin it will be accepted. I’m not against it.” At the moment, however, this is at the stage of cost evaluation. The minister, in fact, defended the right of “the parliamentarians of the coalition to submit questions”, saying that “this is not only the right of the parliamentarians of the opposition”.

Asked if he is ready to accept difficult questions and issues from the deputies of the ND. he replied “really, you know me to avoid asking difficult questions?”.

In the same logic and the government representative Pavlos Marinakis, who emphasized that “we had counted until the previous one that another 6,200 questions had been asked by ND MPs. in the five years and some months that the N.D. has been in government. and Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

And there is so much talk about these last two that it’s a shame about the previous 6,200. That is, they have been greatly wronged. Alas, if a question from MPs was a problem and, really, given both the statistics and the way the Parliamentary Group of the ND operates over time, it is terrible that some have discovered that there is, in fact, an internal party problem, when the very parliamentarians who ask questions, support the government in all bills and do their job very well.

You know, I’ve said it many times: The main concern, the main duty of MPs is to defend the interests of the citizens, their voters and, overall, the people who live and work in their constituencies, whether they vote N.D. or not, they direct questions to the ministers, they press the government for much faster solutions, they get answers”.

However, this atmosphere was “spoilt” yesterday by the member of the National Democratic Party, Giorgos Vlachos, who this time is not satisfied with a written information but brings back the question, addressed to the responsible minister Kostis Hatzidakis, about the “red loans” and the protection of borrowers.

In fact, this time the MP turned the simple question, which requires a written answer from the respective minister to whom it is addressed, into a topical question, so that the responsible minister, and in this case the Minister of National Economy and Finance, can come to the parliamentary scrutiny in the Parliament.

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#Karamanlis #Samaras #attend #Rigillis #years



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