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Blood on the Tracks 13 (Comic)

Details Category: Reviews Published: Tuesday, 10 September 2024 10:09

Shuzo Oshimi
Blood on the Tracks 13
Translation: Jan-Christoph Müller
Cross Cult2024, Paperback, 224 pages, 12.00 EUR

Review by Christel Scheja

“Blood on the Tracks” has so far told Seiichi’s story surrounding the crime, but in the new volume the plot jumps forward more than twenty years, which is surprising, so that one may initially ask oneself why this happened and what is supposed to be achieved with it.

Because even though Seiichi is free, leads a self-determined life in a small apartment and earns his living with a simple job, he remains quiet and withdrawn and vegetates more or less without a plan, goal or joy.

He only keeps loose contact with his father. But after a visit, everything changes, because not only the conversation with him, but also the events that follow shake Seiichi up, because he now has no other choice than to face the demons of his own past.

When readers last saw Seiichi, he had attempted to strangle his mother in the courtroom. Now, twenty years later, he seems to be free and unsupervised, although it feels like he just exists and functions, but has otherwise lost all joy in life.

This mood runs through the entire volume. What has happened over the decades is only roughly hinted at and, apart from the encounter with his father, plays no major role. But it is precisely from this moment that the young man is torn out of his lethargy, because the sum of little things reopens old wounds.

And it is implemented in an interesting way. On the one hand, Seiichi has to return to his homeland, and on the other, he learns things that also open up wounds and prove that he has never really healed. This volume therefore sets interesting course, which gives an idea of ​​how the story might end, but does not commit to anything, as is typical of a good psychological thriller.

The time jump did “Blood on the Tracks” good, as it shows that even after more than twenty years, Seiichi is not yet healed to the extent that he is and could escalate again at any time; the hints ensure that the story remains very exciting and evil.

Blood ​on ⁢the Tracks⁢ manga ⁤ending

Blood ‍on the ⁢Tracks 13 (Comic) Review

A Haunting and Emotional Ride

Blood on the Tracks, ⁢a horror-themed manga series by Shuzo Oshimi, has been making waves in ⁢the comic book community with its dark and gripping storyline. The latest installment, Volume 13, continues to impress​ with its intense and emotional⁤ ride.

The Story So​ Far

For ​those new to the series,⁤ Blood on the Tracks follows the‍ story ‍of Seiichi,​ a young boy whose life takes a ‌drastic turn⁣ when‍ his mother renounces​ her motherhood and thanks​ him for being a killer [[1]]. ⁣The ​series has been praised for its homage to ⁣the legendary Kazu Umezzo work, Drifting Classroom.

Volume 13: A Leap Forward

In⁢ Volume 13, the plot takes a surprising leap forward, jumping more than twenty years into the future [[2]]. Seiichi, now in his adulthood, leads a quiet ‌and withdrawn life, working a simple job and living in a small⁤ apartment. The⁤ lack⁣ of joy and purpose in his life is palpable, and the reader is left‍ wondering​ what has happened to⁤ this once-troubled soul.

Confronting the Past

The plot thickens when Seiichi’s‌ father pays⁢ him a visit, and their conversation sets off a chain of ⁤events that forces Seiichi to confront the demons of his past. This marks a turning point in the story, as Seiichi is forced to face the‍ consequences of his actions and the trauma he‍ has carried with him for so long.

A⁤ Haunting and Atmospheric Ride

The mood of Volume 13 is haunting and atmospheric, with Oshimi’s artwork masterfully capturing ⁣the ​sense of unease and⁤ tension that permeates the story. The pacing is‍ deliberate⁣ and ​measured, building towards a ‍climactic moment⁤ that will leave readers on the edge of their seats.

A Slow Burn

Some readers may find⁣ the ⁤slow burn of the series, which has spanned thirteen volumes, ⁢to be testing their patience⁢ [[3]]. However, for ​those who have invested in the story and characters, the ‌payoff is well worth the wait.


Blood on the Tracks Volume 13 is a masterclass​ in atmospheric⁢ storytelling, building on⁢ the foundations laid by previous ‌volumes​ to create a haunting and⁢ emotional ride. While it may not be the most action-packed installment, the slow burn and deliberate pacing only add to ⁣the tension and​ suspense. For ⁢fans of⁣ the ⁤series, this is a must-read. ​For ⁤newcomers, start from the beginning and ⁢experience the thrilling ride that is Blood on the Tracks.

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Recommended for: Fans of horror, manga, and psychological‍ thrillers.

Publisher: Cross Cult

Pages: 224

Price: 12.00 EUR

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Blood on the Tracks 13: A Chilling and Emotional Ride

Table of Contents

  1. Blood on the Tracks 13 (Comic)
  2. Blood on the Tracks Manga Ending

Blood on the Tracks 13 (Comic)

Blood on the Tracks, a psychological horror manga written and illustrated by Shuzo Oshimi, has taken the world of manga by storm with its eerie and unsettling storyline. The thirteenth volume of the series, recently released by Cross Cult, is a prime example of Oshimi’s mastery of storytelling and emotional manipulation.

The plot of Blood on the Tracks 13 takes a surprising turn, jumping forward more than twenty years from the previous volume. Seiichi, the protagonist, is now living a self-determined life, free from the shackles of his dark past. However, this newfound freedom comes at a cost, and Seiichi is left feeling withdrawn and lethargic, devoid of joy and purpose.

The story takes a dramatic turn when Seiichi’s father pays him a visit, forcing him to confront the demons of his past. As Seiichi returns to his hometown, he is confronted with the harsh realities of his childhood, and the emotional scars that still linger. The manga expertly weaves together themes of trauma, guilt, and redemption, creating a haunting narrative that will leave readers on the edge of their seats.

Blood on the Tracks Manga Ending

The thirteenth volume of Blood on the Tracks marks a turning point in the series, setting the stage for an emotional and intense conclusion. Fans of the manga are eagerly anticipating the final chapters, wondering how Seiichi’s story will unfold.

Will Seiichi find redemption and closure, or will he succumb to the darkness that has haunted him for so long? The manga’s slow-burning pace and intricate storytelling have captivated readers worldwide, earning Blood on the Tracks a reputation as one of the most unsettling and thought-provoking horror manga series of recent times.

What Readers Are Saying

Blood on the Tracks has received widespread critical acclaim, with fans and critics alike praising the manga’s haunting atmosphere and emotional depth. Reviewers have described the series as “deeply unsettling” [[1]], “absolutely stunning, and quietly horrifying” [[3]], and “one of [their] favorite mangas [they’ve] ever read” [[2]].


Blood on the Tracks 13 is a masterclass in psychological horror, expertly crafted to keep readers on the edge of their seats. With its slow-burning pace, intricate storytelling, and emotional depth, this manga is not for the faint of heart. If you’re a fan of horror, psychological thrillers, or just great storytelling, Blood on the Tracks is a must-read.







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