Video Center/Reported by Liao Guoan
Russia has invaded Ukraine for more than five months, and the war has reached a stalemate. The military channel “Butusov Plus” of the communication software Telegram recently released a video. Air Force blow up. The video was then uploaded to YouTube, where it was viewed more than 240,000 times in just half a day.
The Ukrainian army claims that since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, at least 20 T-90 tanks, which are also known by Putin’s name “Vladimir”, have been destroyed. A recent video shows that following the Ukrainian air force in Kharkiv carried out a precision strike, a T-90 that was hit lost its power and stopped in place, and then detonated its internal ammunition. . The Ukrainian army said that it blew up the first T-90 in early May this year, and then blew up another with a Swedish rocket a few days later, showing no mercy to this super tank.
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