Shadow of Fate: The Chance Confrontation That Altered Destiny

Breakthrough in the murder of Letizia Girolami, 72 years old, psychotherapist, found dead on the night between 5 and 6 October, in a field near the farmhouse where she lived with her husband, in the municipality of Foiano della Chiana, in the province of Arezzo. The woman had a smashed head. The investigations conducted by the Carabinieri to trace the perpetrator of the crime, coordinated by the public prosecutor Angela Masiello and the prosecutor Gianfederica Dito, led to an arrest: the suspect is the ex-boyfriend of the daughter of the murdered woman. On the evening of Saturday 5 October Girolami, who had gone out in the afternoon, did not return home for dinner and her husband, also 72 years old, a painter of Canadian origin, informed his daughter that he was abroad in Spain, who then the alarm was given to 112. The search began and a few hours later the woman’s lifeless body was found near an area where the couple owns an agricultural outbuilding with animals. It was the firefighters who discovered the body which had a deep wound to the head and the Carabinieri investigators immediately hypothesized a violent death. According to what Adnkronos reveals, a firearm was not used and there were no blunt objects near the body.

“Premeditated and unjustified aggression

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Last night in the barracks in Foiano della Chiana the magistrates listened to several people, starting with the victim’s husband. The prosecutor’s office ordered an immediate autopsy to clarify the causes of death. Originally from Rome, Letizia Girolami settled in the province of Arezzo about 30 years ago, returning to live in her father’s farmhouse. He often traveled back and forth to Rome where he practiced as a psychotherapist. In her country house she was dedicated to spiritual and cultural activities.

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