(Shadow) How to win? The Russian military once again staged a “cannibalistic” air defense system that fired missiles at its own family | International | Newtalk News

The Russian soldiers fired missiles in the direction of their colleagues, suspected of mishandling the air defense system.Photo: flipping twitter

During the seven-month period of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it repeatedly bombed houses and massacred civilians, causing a large number of casualties. The Ukrainian army recently launched a counter-offensive and regained a large number of territories occupied by the Russian army. The two sides continued to exchange fire fiercely. A video circulating on the Internet shows that Russian soldiers, suspected of operating the air defense system incorrectly, fired missiles in the direction of their colleagues, but it is not known whether any casualties were caused. And was ridiculed by the Ukrainian army.

According to the military website “Defense Blog” (Defense Blog), the air defense system in the video is the Russian-made Pantsir-S1 (Pantsir-S1) air defense missile system. It can be seen in the video that when the missile was launched, there were Russian soldiers shooting in the distance, but the elevation angle of the fourth missile was too low and flew towards the left of the photographer. But it is not clear where the missile hit or if there were any casualties.

It is understood that the armor-S1 air defense missile system is a self-propelled artillery air defense system designed by Russia. It can launch cannons and short-range missiles to intercept tactical aircraft, helicopters, drones and precision-guided weapons (Precision-guided munition) . Its NATO codename is SA-22 “Greyhound”. Rosoboronexport claims that the Pantsir-S1 has powerful firepower and can effectively defend against a variety of air strike weapons.

This is not the first time that the Russian army has seen this kind of “cannibalism” incident. The Russian army suspected of mistakenly fired on its own position in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine on May 8, resulting in casualties among Russian soldiers in the position. . The Ukrainian military also issued a “public letter of thanks” to ridicule it. The 97th Infantry Battalion of the 60th Independent Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces posted on Facebook that the officers of the 97th Infantry Battalion were satisfied with the actions of the Russian occupiers and gave positive comments and full support.

In addition, the Twitter account “Canadian Ukrainian Volunteer” (Canadian Ukrainian Volunteer Army), which tracks the development of the Ukrainian-Russian war, posted a video on Twitter in June and mentioned that the Russian army launched an anti-aircraft missile in Luhansk Oblast, igniting the After the launch, it was suspected that there was a problem with the missile engine or the missile homing head. The anti-aircraft missile turned 180 degrees in the air and flew back to the Russian army’s launching position, which exploded and caught fire.

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U.S. officials point out that since the war in Ukraine, Russia has consumed many precision-made munitions (PGMs), such as cruise missiles and short- and medium-range ballistic missiles, and that sanctions have had an impact on the Russian defense industry, causing their PGMs to remain in stockpiles Problems, and difficult to replace, only shoddy unguided stock missiles can be used.

During the seven-month period of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it repeatedly bombed houses and massacred civilians, causing a large number of casualties. The Ukrainian army recently launched a counter-offensive and regained a large number of territories occupied by the Russian army. The two sides continued to exchange fire fiercely. A video circulating on the Internet shows that Russian soldiers, suspected of operating the air defense system incorrectly, fired missiles in the direction of their colleagues, but it is not known whether any casualties were caused. And was ridiculed by the Ukrainian army.

According to the military website “Defense Blog” (Defense Blog), the air defense system in the video is the Russian-made Pantsir-S1 (Pantsir-S1) air defense missile system. It can be seen in the video that when the missile was launched, there were Russian soldiers shooting in the distance, but the elevation angle of the fourth missile was too low and flew towards the left of the photographer. But it is not clear where the missile hit or if there were any casualties.


Russian-made “Pantsir-S1” short-range missile air defense system. Figure: Flip the World Wide Web (file photo)

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