Thiruvananthapuram: KK said that the thief was still on board in the attack on AKG center. Rama MLA Rama said that the SFI workers should plant a banana on Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan’s chair. She lashed out at the government and the CPM while speaking in the debate on the emergency resolution brought by the opposition regarding the AKG center attack. Rama also alleged that the Chief Minister is getting angry without answering the allegations.
It is the failure of the Home Department that the suspect was not arrested even days following the attack on the AKG Centre. He does not believe that the suspect in the attack on AKG center will be caught. Because the thief is on board. It remains to be seen who is the captain. In case the Home Department is unable to arrest the accused, the investigation should be handed over to central agencies.
Such attacks have happened in situations where the CPM is on the defensive. But the accused might not be caught in any case. Rama said that there are examples of cases up to 14 years.