Sexual support: associations want a legal framework – In the news

2024-03-14 15:08:43

14 mars 2024

Recognized in some European countries such as Germany and Denmark, the status of sexual assistant (or accompaniment) does not have a legal existence in France. However, an association is trying to change the situation in favor of people with severe disabilities.

« I feel things but I am not able to have sexuality like everyone else because I have difficulty moving “. Willy Rougier has cerebral palsy (IMC) and president of the Association for the Promotion of Sexual Support (Appas). Its mission is displayed in black and white on its website: “helping people with motor disabilities gain confidence through the exploration of their sensuality. To do this, she puts them in touch with companions to give them access to their intimate world, in a temporary and supervised manner. ».

By supervision, Appas refers to training which targets accompanying persons. “ It is mandatory », insists Willy Rougier, who openly details the principle: “ When a member with a disability expresses the need, they fill out a form on our website. Furthermore, the association receives any new companion who wishes to do so for one hour, to question them regarding their motivations. He or she must then participate in a 4-day training session during which we return, in particular to the role of the sexual companion, the different types of disabilities, etc.. » Paid training: “ we ask 700€ », slips the president.

Assimilated to prostitution…

Accompanying people are able-bodied people. “ The request is first perfectly aligned with the person with a disability. The accompanying person is free to accept or refuse. We are between adults and consenting people », he continues. On the other hand, and this is where the problem lies under French law, the sexual companion intervenes for remuneration. For this reason, ” as our association acts as a sort of connection, we can be considered as passive pimps. This is why we are campaigning to change the law and provide a legal framework for the status of sexual companion. Because it responds to real distress », implore Willy Rougier.

For its part, APF France handicap also claims “ recognition of an emotional, intimate and sexual life for all “. She pleads in favor of the creation sexual support services using trained sexual assistants » and facilities for “ financial support for products and technical aids to support sexual life ».

Source: Interview with Willy Rougier, March 13, 2024 – – sites consulted March 13, 2024

Written by: David Picot – Edited by Emmanuel Ducreuzet

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