Sexual Health: The Importance of Conversation and Messages

2024-06-05 22:00:00

Contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), consent, sexual disorders…it’s normal to ask questions about sex, and you shouldn’t hesitate to talk about them!

On the occasion of National Sexual Health Week 2024, the French Ministry of Public Health will rebroadcast its national awareness campaign on various sexual health topics from 21 May to 9 June, which will support the Regional Agency for Sexual Health (ARS) preventive actions taken. The goal of this campaign and the tools provided is to empower all people to make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health with the help of reliable information, especially through the website

Some key data on French sexual health

sexually transmitted infection screening

Screening for bacterial STIs has been increasing for years, and by 2022, at least 2.6 million people will benefit from reimbursed screening for Chlamydia trachomatis infection, 3.0 million will benefit from screening for gonococcal infection, and 3.1 million Benefit from syphilis screening.


One third of pregnancies are unplanned, and 64% of these result in voluntary termination (abortion)2. In 2016, 6.2% of women aged 15-49 years at risk of unintended pregnancy had used emergency contraceptive pills in the previous 12 months. 3

Sexual disorders

16% of women aged 18-69 years have experienced pain during intercourse in the past 12 months; of these women, 2% experience it regularly4.

1 HIV-STI Public Health Bulletin. November 2023.
2 Caroline Moreau, Julie Deverell and Natalie Bajos. “Failure scenarios and post-abortion contraceptive prescription: an analysis of contraceptive trajectories around abortion”, Revue française desaffaires Sociales, No. 1. January 2011.
3 Rashib D, Liddy N; Health Barometer Panel 2016. Bull Epidemic Weekly. 2018.
4 Levinson S, (2008) Sexual behavior, living conditions and health, sexual functioning difficulties. Bajos N, Bozon, M (dir), Survey of Sexual Behavior in France.

A movement to normalize sex-related issues

From May 21 to June 9, 2024, the French Public Health Ministry will replay its relevant digital information campaign: “Everyone has questions about sex, and everyone can find the answers on”.

The spirit of the event is light-hearted, allowing people to immerse themselves in their own thoughts and speak out about their sexual questions in their daily lives… unexpectedly!

The event covers topics such as contraception, STIs, consent and sexual disorders.

Event location

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(Background piano music)

At the restaurant table, two Japanese customers were attentive and silent. The camera pans to a waiter waiting for a third customer who is looking at the menu to order.

The third customer:

“What is the best way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections? »

He rolled his eyes. The camera turns to a Japanese customer.

Japanese customers:

” yes! “


“Everyone is asking questions.

The camera then pans to the confused and silent waiter.

The voiceover continues:

Everyone can find answers on QuestionSexualité.fr.

End plates with French Public Health Agency logo

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(country background music)

At the gas station store, the cashier sat bored at the checkout counter, staring into space. His elbow rested on the speaker button.

The cashier said loudly:

“How do I know if my girlfriend wants sex too?

Outside the gas station, there was a couple in their seventies. The man was refueling the car, and his wife was sitting in the front seat with the window open.

Through the loudspeaker outside the gas station, along with the feedback noise, we heard the cashier said :

Because I want to be sure! »

The man looked at the loudspeaker in surprise, while his wife looked at him with amused complicity.


“Everyone is asking questions.

In the store, the cashier realized he had his elbow on the microphone button. He took it off while looking around.

The voiceover continues:

Everyone can find answers on QuestionSexualité.fr »

End plates with French Public Health Service logo

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(supermarket background music)

In a supermarket, customers at the checkout counter are lost in thought while cashiers mechanically scan items on a conveyor belt. With every beep of the cashier’s scanner, the camera moves closer to the customer’s face.

Customers ask loudly

“What are my contraceptive options? »

The cashier looked up from the merchandise, glanced at her with no reaction, and then continued scanning the remaining merchandise on the conveyor belt.


“Everyone is asking questions.

The cashier took a large pumpkin out of a customer’s shopping cart and placed it on her scale.

The voiceover continues:

Everyone can find answers on QuestionSexualité.fr »

End plates with French Public Health Service logo

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(medieval ambient music)

In the theatre, an amateur medieval drama is being performed on the stage. Two actors in knight costumes, one white and one black, staged a duel scene. Behind the stage, a princess watches the battle from a cardboard tower.

black knight said:

“You’re going to die!”

White Knight replied:

no way! »

The black knight finally mistakenly gave the white knight a fatal blow, and he smiled Machiavellianly.

The White Knight plays his death scene on the ground and speaks with his last breath.

“I had a breakdown in bed last night, was it serious?” »


“Everyone is asking questions.

The camera returns to the actor playing the Black Knight, who watches as the audience is caught off guard.

The voiceover continues:

Everyone can find answers on QuestionSexualité.fr »

End plates with French Public Health Service logo

[Santé sexuelle] Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) – Restaurants

[Santé sexuelle] Consent Form – Gas Station

[Santé sexuelle] Contraception – Supermarket

[Santé sexuelle] Segment – Theater

Resources for Healthcare Professionals

To support the practice of health professionals or to assist associations, Santé publique France offers a large number of documents for download or order on our website. Aimed at all audiences, these documents provide practical information on all aspects of sexuality and cover topics as diverse as reproductive health, screening, vaccinations and even gender-related discrimination and sexually transmitted infections.

Posters, brochures and leaflets will be distributed throughout the territory through Regional Health Services (ARS) and local stakeholders during Sexual Health Week. One-click reference information

Open to the entire adult population, is a reference website for sexual health. The website takes a global proactive approach to prevention and discusses different topics such as contraception, STI prevention, sexual violence and discrimination, and sexual disorders.

The site also offers interactive tools:

on site Improving French public health’s digital ecosystem in sexual health ( Targeted at teenagers and Applicable to men who have sex with men).

#Sexual #Health #Importance #Conversation #Messages



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