Sexual Assault Allegations Against Li Songwei: The Truth Revealed on Goodbye Lover | Latest Updates

2023-09-26 01:28:28
After Melody’s divorce, she quickly participated in the third season of the mainland reality program “Goodbye Lover”. Photo / taken from Weibo 2023-09-26 09:28 Shh!Star News Editor/Comprehensive Report

After her divorce, Melody quickly participated in the third season of the mainland reality program “Goodbye Lover”. She served as an observer on the program, giving her thoughts and advice to three couples facing divorce crisis. The program also invited a professional consultant from Peking University Li Songwei, a doctor of psychology, came to comment, but a woman accused Li Songwei of sexual assault, but Li Songwei issued a statement denying it.

This woman revealed that she received psychological counseling at Li Songwei’s Dongyu Psychological Studio from 2014 to 2018. During this period, Li Songwei sexually assaulted her, psychologically abused her multiple times, and subjected her to psychological control and intimidation for four years. However, due to lack of The evidence failed to bring legal action, and she complained to the Chinese Psychological Counseling Ethics Association and Dongyu Psychological Studio, but the investigation failed due to insufficient evidence. She shouted to Li Songwei, “Stop pretending to be innocent, cowardly, pitiful, and affectionate to cause harm.” Others, admit that you are lustful and incompetent, and stop trying to do one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes to discredit yourself, your daughter, your wife, your colleagues, feminists, and the psychological counseling industry.”

Regarding the accusation of sexual assault, Li Songwei issued a statement denying, “Recent online posts have accused me of using psychological counseling to commit sexual assault and other illegal and criminal acts. This is purely slander. I have never committed the above-mentioned acts. I have reported these false accusations to the police.” The case will be reported to the authorities and rights will be safeguarded through legal channels.”

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