Sewage sludge treatment plant in Sassa: clarifications from the municipality of …

L’AQUILA – “The debate that has arisen regarding the establishment of a plant for the treatment of sewage sludge in the industrial centre of Sassa has unfortunately brought with it some inaccuracies in the reconstruction of the story of a similar proposed settlement in Tornimparte; in order to give the public opinion a correct reconstruction, we believe it is our duty to clarify the fundamental aspects.”

This is what they write in a joint note, Giammario FlowersMayor of Tornimparte, and James CarnicelliPresident of the City Council.

“After some vague preliminary discussions, in which there was talk of a “pilot plant”, to be built with the consultancy of the University, which did not lead to any concrete proposal” continues the note by Fiori and Carnicelli “in July 2021, the Abruzzo Region, on the proposal of a private entity, called a conference of Services in a simplified form and in asynchronous mode for the installation of a plant for the treatment of 20 thousand tons per year of sewage sludge, which represented, at the time, the entire annual production of the Province of L’Aquila. Concerned by the size of the plant and by some critical issues reported to us by technicians in the sector, we prepared the contribution of the Municipality of Tornimparte which, together with those of the Province, ASL and ARTA, closed the Conference of Services by requesting the activation of the procedure at the competent Environmental Assessment Service.

It is important to reiterate, therefore, that the path illustrated has not been the subject of any appeal to the TAR, just as it is important to underline the fact that no committee has been set up”.

“We regret the confusion generated by some press articles published in recent weeks,” concludes the note, “in which the proposal of a private entity for an experimental plant sized on a territory equivalent to the entire province of L’Aquila is confused with the participation of the Municipality of Tornimparte in a call for tenders for the construction of a Collection Center and a related small composting plant, built with consolidated technologies and sized, in practice, for the needs of four thousand inhabitants, this one being the subject of an appeal to the TAR (signed, among others, also by the owner of the land that was to host the sludge treatment plant in the municipality of Tornimparte)”.

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