Severe thunderstorms: risk of hail, strong gusts and potential for tornadoes

Risk of severe thunderstorms

Today, severe thunderstorms might rage in Quebec. A low pressure system will sweep across the province. The passage of a front might generate a few cells, the strongest of which should appear in Outaouais, Abitibi and Témiscamingue. Areas further east might also see action despite lower risk.

Hail, strong gusts, tornado potential

These cells might generate strong gusts, hail and even tornado potential in southeastern Ontario. Current models indicate that the risk extends over a large part of Quebec. The Abitibi sector is particularly affected by the risk of large hailstones.


But the area to watch is near the Ontario border. Even if the temperatures are cool and the energy available in the atmosphere is low, the passage of the front would be enough for violent thunderstorms to break out.


And still rain

The rain will also be there in southern Quebec. Estrie might receive up to 30 mm of rain and Nord-du-Québec up to 50 mm, especially around Chibougamau.


With the collaboration of Alexandra Giroux, meteorologist.

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