2023-06-27 16:45:00
Magdeburg/Halle (Saale)/DUR – Strong thunderstorms are possible in some regions of Saxony-Anhalt on Tuesday evening. The German weather service points this out in a current warning. where it can be dangerous.
Weather: German weather service warns of severe thunderstorms in Saxony-Anhalt
The German Weather Service has an official on Tuesday evening Level 2 of 4 severe thunderstorm warning published, which currently applies in the following cities and districts in Saxony-Anhalt:
Borde district – until 8 p.mDistrict Harz (lowland) – until 8 p.mSaale district – until 8 p.mAltmarkkreis Salzwedel – until 8 p.mKreis Wittenberg – until 8 p.m
It cannot be ruled out that the warning will be extended or expanded during the course of the evening.
Also read: Storm approaching – How far away is a thunderstorm?
Warning levels and colors: What do the DWD’s severe weather warnings mean?
The German Weather Service divides its severe weather warnings into four levels and uses different colors for them:
Level 1 – Official Warning (Yellow): The expected weather development is not unusual, but weather-related hazards can still occur.Level 2 – Official Severe Weather Warning (Orange): The expected weather development is not unusual, but dangerous. Isolated or local damage can occur.Stage 3 – Official Severe Weather Warning (Red): The expected weather development is very dangerous. Widespread damage may occur. Avoid spending time outdoors. Level 4 – Official Severe Weather Warning (Purple): The expected weather development is extremely dangerous. Life-threatening situations can arise and major damage and destruction can occur. Larger areas are often affected. Avoid spending time outdoors. Prepare for extraordinary measures.
Severe weather warning: How to behave properly in severe weather?
If there is an official severe weather warning, staying outdoors should be avoided as much as possible. If there is still enough time, you should secure movable objects such as garden furniture or bicycles and close doors and windows. To be on the safe side, sensitive devices should be disconnected from the mains or secured with overvoltage protection.
If you are surprised by a storm outdoors, you should seek shelter in a building. During thunderstorms, open areas should be avoided and sufficient distance to power lines should be maintained. A car can also provide protection from thunderstorms. Remain in the vehicle but do not touch any bare metal.
Correct behavior following the storm: Who pays for storm damage to the house and car?
If the storm has caused damage to your house or car, it is best to document the damage with a photo and – if you have one – report it to your insurance company. Damage to the house is usually covered by household contents or residential building insurance.
Damage to the car caused by lightning, fire, hail or flood are usually a case for comprehensive insurance.
Reasonable inability to work: Do I have to drive to work even in bad weather?
Employees are obliged to come to work on time – even in bad weather. The DGB legal protection points this out. Because employees bear the so-called commuting risk, traffic obstructions or delayed trains due to storms do not count as an excuse for being late for work.
However, there are exceptions when official weather forecasts are issued, for example by meteorologists. In the event of a storm for which warnings are given in advance, there may be a so-called justified inability to work.
In this case, employees can stay at home, but they would not be entitled to remuneration, according to qualified geographer Matthias Habel to RND. In addition, the employer should be informed in good time, otherwise, in the worst case, a warning may be issued.
Severe weather warning apps for iOS and Android
In order to be informed in good time regarding an approaching storm, the use of warning apps for smartphones is a good idea. You can receive warnings via the NINA app from the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, Katwarn or the WarnWetter app from the German Weather Service.
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