Severe fires rage in northern Sardinia

A forestry helicopter assisted ground teams in extinguishing a fire that broke out on Saturday in the forests around Burgos, in the Goceano area. Rome. Another fire was reported in the Bottidda area, also in a forest area. Several hectares of forest were destroyed, local media reported. Fires were also reported in Sicily and Calabria over the weekend.

Hunt for arsonists

Italy wants to step up its hunt for arsonists who set hundreds of fires every summer. Last year, the government increased the minimum sentence for deliberate arson from four to six years. Anyone who causes a fire through negligence can expect two years in prison, whereas previously only a one-year prison sentence was possible.

The business of fire

According to experts, only five percent of the fires are started by pyromaniacs who act out of a pure desire for destruction. Economic interests are usually behind the summer fires. The civil defense spoke of a “business with fire”. Although strict rules prohibit building on burned areas, it is assumed that speculation is a main reason for the new wave of fires.


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