Several kilos of contraband tobacco from Cherbourg seized in Ireland

On February 20, 2023, at the port of Dublin (Ireland), tax officials seized 12.3 kg of contraband rolling tobacco from Cherbourg (Manche). (©Illustration/AdobeStock)

Ce Monday, February 20, 2023at the port of Dublin (Ireland), during controls routinely with the help of the mobile x-ray scanner and their detector dog Milo, tax officials seized 12.3 kg of contraband hand-rolling tobacco from Cherbourg (Manche). The tobacco bore the marks Golden Virginia and Sopianie for a market value estimated at more than 9,300 euros.

Discovered in a shipment

The contraband tobacco was discovered in a shipment, in the form of food products from Poland and arrived in a van via the port of Cherbourg.

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