Seven solutions that raise her libido to the heights

Low libido can be caused by many factors, including physical health, stress, psychology, and relationships. If you’re having trouble with your sex drive and want to boost it, some of the expert advice below might help:

Emphasize a balanced diet

A balanced diet based on fresh fruits, vegetables, various sources of protein (mainly from lean meat and fish) and omega-3 fatty acids (better sources are fatty fish and fruits) can positively affect sexual health.

Join the gym again
Physical activity helps to increase blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system. It also helps to reduce stress and improve sexual desire.

Love your bed

Use your bed for its main purpose: adequate and quality sleep. Quality sleep, in turn, is important for sexual health, as it keeps the body’s energy levels and stamina high.

No stress

Stress is a factor that can negatively affect libido. Practices such as yoga, pilates and meditation can help reduce stress.

Communication with partner

Honesty and open communication with your partner about your sexual needs, preferences and desires is important for a smooth love life without disharmony and complaints.

Do the necessary tests

In some cases, low libido can be due to health issues. A visit to the doctor can reveal any pathological or other causes of sexual dysfunction (eg erectile dysfunction, menopause).

No questions asked
Knowledge and education about sexuality can help increase self-confidence and reduce insecurities. It’s important to remember that sexual health is a complex topic and exploring different approaches can help lead to a balanced and fulfilling sex life.

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