Seven Palestinians Arrested in Different Areas of the West Bank by Israeli Forces

Israel Arrests Seven Palestinians in Several West Bank Areas”/>

Israeli bulldozers in the West Bank. (Al-Jazeera Doc)

Israeli forces arrested seven Palestinians in raids in several areas of the occupied West Bank.

One source told Al Jazeera that forces raided the village of Harmala, east of Bethlehem, and arrested one Palestinian and summoned three others for questioning.

They also carried out raids in al-Yamoun, Arrabeh, and Silat al-Harithiya near Jenin, as well as Nablus, Burqa, and Silwad east of Ramallah, and Attil and Zeita near Tulkarem.

Three Palestinians were arrested on Sunday (8/9) from al-Yamoun and Arrabeh in Jenin province. Two others were detained from ash-Shuyukh and Dura, near Hebron.

Since Israel’s military operation in the West Bank began, at least 692 Palestinians have been killed, including 158 minors, in attacks carried out by Israeli forces and settlers.

Meanwhile, dozens of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, who were killed in Israeli detention centers, have not been identified. More than 5,700 Palestinians were injured and at least 10,400 were detained. (Z-2)

#Israel #Arrests #Palestinians #West #Bank #Areas

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Israel’s Ongoing Raids in the Occupied ⁢West Bank:⁢ A Trail ⁢of Arrests and Destruction

The Israeli military has intensified its raids ⁢in the occupied West Bank, arresting multiple Palestinians in various areas and leaving a trail of destruction in its​ wake. The recent wave of incursions has sparked concern among Palestinians and human rights​ organizations, who accuse Israel of perpetuating a cycle of violence and oppression.

The‍ Jenin Raid: A Deadly Seven-Day Assault

One of the most recent and notable⁣ incidents⁣ was the Israeli military’s seven-day raid‌ in Jenin, which resulted in a significant loss of life and property [[2]]. The assault, which began ⁣on​ August 28, targeted ⁢multiple areas in the West ‍Bank, including Jenin and Tulkarem‍ [[1]]. The ⁣offensive has ⁣been met with widespread condemnation, with many ⁢accusing Israel of ⁢using excessive force and perpetuating‍ a culture of violence.

Raid and Arrests in Multiple‍ Areas

In addition to the Jenin raid, Israeli forces have carried out multiple ‌arrests in various areas of the West Bank. According to reports, seven Palestinians were arrested in raids in several areas, including Harmala, al-Yamoun, Arrabeh, Silat al-Harithiya, Nablus, Burqa, Silwad, Attil, and Zeita [[3]]. The Israeli military has also been accused⁢ of summoning multiple Palestinians for questioning, further exacerbating the sense of fear and​ uncertainty among the local population.

A Long History of Incursions

The recent raids are part of a larger ⁤pattern of incursions by the Israeli military ⁣in the West Bank. Since the start of ​the Israel-Hamas war, the Israeli military has ⁤carried out numerous raids, many of which have resulted in deaths, injuries, and property damage [[3]]. The ongoing raids have created a sense of instability and fear among Palestinians, who are ​increasingly frustrated with the lack of accountability and the perpetuation ⁢of violence by ⁣Israeli forces.


The recent ⁤wave of raids by the Israeli military in the occupied West Bank is a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle ‍for Palestinians living under occupation. The arrests, destruction, and violence perpetrated by Israeli forces are a testament to the need for ‍a more concerted effort to address the ‍root causes of the conflict⁤ and work towards a peaceful and just resolution. As the international community continues to ​grapple with the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is essential to shine ⁢a⁢ light on the plight of ‌Palestinians living under occupation and to demand accountability from those responsible for perpetuating violence⁣ and oppression.

How have the recent Israeli military raids in the occupied West Bank impacted the local Palestinian population’s safety and security?

Israel’s Ongoing Raids in the Occupied West Bank: A Trail of Arrests and Destruction

The Israeli military has intensified its raids in the occupied West Bank, arresting multiple Palestinians in various areas and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The recent wave of incursions has sparked concern among Palestinians and human rights organizations, who accuse Israel of perpetuating a cycle of violence and oppression.

The Jenin Raid: A Deadly Seven-Day Assault

One of the most recent and notable incidents was the Israeli military’s seven-day raid in Jenin, which resulted in a significant loss of life and property [[2]]. The assault, which began on August 28, targeted multiple areas in the West Bank, including Jenin and Tulkarem [[1]]. The offensive has been met with widespread condemnation, with many accusing Israel of using excessive force and perpetuating a culture of violence.

Raids and Arrests in Multiple Areas

In addition to the Jenin raid, Israeli forces have carried out multiple arrests in various areas of the West Bank. According to reports, seven Palestinians were arrested in raids in several areas, including Harmala, al-Yamoun, Arrabeh, Silat al-Harithiya, Nablus, Burqa, Silwad, Attil, and Zeita [[3]]. The Israeli military has also been accused of summoning multiple Palestinians for questioning, further exacerbating the sense of fear and uncertainty among the local population.

A Long History of Incursions

The recent raids are part of a larger pattern of incursions by the Israeli military in the West Bank. Since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, the Israeli military has carried out numerous raids, many of which have resulted in deaths, injuries, and property damage [[3]]. The ongoing raids have created a sense of instability and fear among Palestinians, who are increasingly frustrated with the lack of accountability and the perpetuation of violence by Israeli forces.

Human Toll of the Raids

Since Israel’s military operation in the West Bank began, at least 692 Palestinians have been killed, including 158 minors, in attacks carried out by Israeli forces and settlers. Meanwhile, dozens of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, who were killed in Israeli detention centers, have not been identified. More than 5,700 Palestinians were injured and at least 10,400 were detained.

International Condemnation

The international community has condemned the Israeli military’s actions, with many calling for an end to the occupation and the establishment of a Palestinian state. The United Nations has repeatedly called for Israel to end its settlement activities and to take steps to prevent violence against Palestinians.


The recent wave of raids by the Israeli military in the occupied West Bank is a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle for Palestinians living under occupation. The arrests, destruction, and violence perpetrated by Israeli forces are a testament to the need for a more concerted effort to address the root causes of the conflict. It is imperative that the international community takes a more active role in pressuring Israel to end its occupation and to work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict.




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