Seven Months of Struggle: The Heart-Wrenching Journey of a 15-Year-Old in Zakynthos

Three minors beat, threatened and robbed a 15-year-old for 7 months, and when he found the courage to report them, the bullies started sending threatening messages both to him and to his parents.

The 15-year-old suffered at the hands of the three minors who did not hesitate to threaten him with knives and bats.

He finally found the strength to reveal the nightmare, but the threats are endless. The 15-year-old receives messages on his mobile phone where he is cursed and threatens him and his family. The three minors and their parents who were arrested have been released pending trial.

“When we got home he got a threatening text from another number because he went and sued. Since then we have received several such threatening messages. They report against the family, block the child the numbers we only have one and we took him to the police,” said the child’s father.

He received more than 25 attacks

“I was in the middle of the square, I was asking for help and no one helped me. Were people there watching you suffer? Yes, yes, yes in the middle of the square it was. And nobody responded, didn’t call the police, didn’t come to help you? Even the store I asked for help didn’t call the police. Despite this, they were kicking us out.”

“They threatened me with my life because, you know, they carry ‘irons’ on them, knives, bats and such. And I was afraid. Nor have I ever provoked and the policemen who asked them what they have with me, simply said nothing. “He never hurt us, we just saw him like that and decided to hurt him.”

Watch the MEGA report:

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#Zakynthos #Minors #beat #stole #15yearold #months

Certainly! Here are some PAA-related questions for the title⁢ “The Devastating Consequences ⁣of Bullying: A 15-Year-Old’s Nightmare”:

The Devastating Consequences of Bullying: A 15-Year-Old’s Nightmare

Bullying is​ a pervasive problem that affects ⁢millions of children ‍and ‌adolescents ⁣worldwide. The physical and emotional toll of bullying​ can lead‍ to long-term psychological⁣ trauma, social isolation, and even suicidal thoughts. The recent case of a​ 15-year-old boy who was brutally bullied for seven months by three minors is a stark reminder of the devastating⁣ consequences of bullying.

Serious⁣ Bullying: A ⁣Crime⁢ Punishable by ⁣Up ‌to 10 Years‌ in Jail

In some ​jurisdictions, serious bullying is considered a⁢ crime punishable by up‍ to 10 years ​in jail [[1]]. This legislation recognizes the seriousness of bullying and its potential to cause‍ harm to the ‍victim. The bullying of the 15-year-old boy, which included ‌threats with knives and bats, is a stark⁤ reminder of the need for such legislation.

Threats by Children: When Are ⁢They Serious?

Threats⁣ made by⁢ children, including minors, should not be taken lightly. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, every year, there are tragedies‌ in which children or adolescents shoot ‍and kill ‍people after making ⁣threats [[2]]. The threats made by the three minors against the 15-year-old boy and⁣ his⁢ parents are a serious concern that requires immediate attention ‌from authorities.

Bullying: A Recognized Problem in Virginia Law

In Virginia, bullying is recognized as a serious⁣ problem that requires action from school boards. The Code of Virginia § 22.1-279.6(C)‍ and (D) ⁤requires school boards to include rules ‍against​ bullying in‍ their policies [[3]]. This legislation recognizes the need to address bullying in schools and to provide support to⁣ victims of bullying.

The Need⁢ for⁢ Action

The bullying of the 15-year-old boy is ⁤a wake-up call for parents, educators,⁤ and policymakers to take action against bullying. The lack of response from bystanders, including‍ store owners, is a concern that requires attention. The release of the three ⁣minors and their parents⁣ pending trial is also a concern that‍ raises questions about the effectiveness⁤ of⁢ the justice ⁤system in addressing bullying.


Bullying is a serious ​problem that requires action from all stakeholders. The bullying​ of the ⁢15-year-old boy ‍is a ⁣stark reminder of the need for effective ‍legislation, policies,⁢ and‍ practices to ⁢address bullying. Parents, educators, and ⁣policymakers must work together to create a safe​ and⁣ supportive environment for‍ all ​children and adolescents.



<a href="”>[2]


Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the title “The Devastating Consequences of Bullying: A 15-Year-Old’s Nightmare”:

The Devastating Consequences of Bullying: A 15-Year-Old’s Nightmare

Bullying is a pervasive problem that affects teenagers worldwide. The recent story of a 15-year-old who was brutally bullied for seven months by three minors is a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of bullying. The victim, who was threatened with knives and bats, finally found the courage to report the incidents, only to receive threatening messages from the bullies and their parents.

The Prevalence of Bullying

Bullying is a significant concern among teenagers, with around one third of Australian students reporting that they have experienced bullying at some point in their lives [1[1]. Bullying can take many forms, including physical, verbal, and cyberbullying. The anonymously sourced message of “irons” or knives being carried by the bullies in this case is a disturbing example of the physical threats that victims may face.

The Consequences of Bullying

The consequences of bullying can be severe and long-lasting. Victims of bullying may experience anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts [2[2]. The 15-year-old in this case was left feeling isolated and helpless, with no one coming to his aid despite his pleas for help. The lack of response from bystanders, including store owners, is a worrying indication of the lack of empathy and responsibility in our society.

The Role of Parents and Authorities

The release of the three minors and their parents pending trial raises serious concerns about the accountability of those involved in bullying. Parents have a crucial role to play in teaching their children the importance of empathy and respect for others. Authorities, including the police and educational institutions, must also take a more proactive approach to addressing bullying and providing support to victims.

The Need for Action

The devastating consequences of bullying are a stark reminder of the need for action. As a society, we must work together to create a culture of empathy and respect, where victims feel safe and supported. This can be achieved through education and awareness campaigns, as well as providing resources and support for victims of bullying.

What Can Be Done?

So, what can be done to prevent bullying and support victims? Here are some steps that can be taken:

Educate children about the consequences of bullying and the importance of empathy and respect.

Provide resources and support for victims of bullying, including counseling and hotlines.

Take a proactive approach to addressing bullying in schools and communities.

Hold bullies and their parents accountable for their actions.


The story of the 15-year-old who was brutally bullied is a heartbreaking reminder of the devastating consequences of bullying. It is our responsibility as a society to take action and create a culture of empathy and respect, where victims feel safe and supported. By working together, we can prevent bullying and ensure that no one has to suffer in silence.


[1] (n.d.). Bullying and teenagers. Retrieved from

[2] (2022, May 16). What teens need to know about bullying. Retrieved from

[3] Meta. (n.d.). Teens – Bullying & Harassment. Retrieved from



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