Seth Kikuni’s Arrest Sparks Outcry: Claudel Lubaya Denounces 48-Hour Detention Violation

Former national deputy, André-Claudel Lubaya, has broken his silence to deplore the exceeding of the legal period of 48 hours of detention, 10 days after the arrest of opponent Seth Kikuni, by agents of the ANR -National Intelligence Agency.

In a publication made on his X account (ex-Twitter), the former PPRD executive announced that Seth Kikuni continues to be held in preventive detention, without any formal charges being brought against him; and this constitutes a flagrant violation of his fundamental rights protected by the Constitution of the DRC and international human rights treaties.

“Ten days later, no provision of any law in our country authorizes any service, security agency, to detain a citizen beyond the legal period, no matter how serious the crime he has committed. This is an arbitrary act that contradicts all official rhetoric on the rule of law, just as it calls into question the fundamental principles on which our society is based. The conditions of his arrest and detention endanger his physical, legal and judicial security, and place the DRC among the countries that violate human rights,” said Claudel Lubaya.

The latter also indicated that it is up to the authorities to restore Seth Kikuni to his most legitimate rights, by giving him back his freedom or, at least, by presenting him without delay to the competent judicial authority, so that he is informed of the reasons for his arrest, in accordance with article 18 of the Constitution.

“The same applies to the obligation incumbent on them to ensure respect for the jurisdictional guarantees of Mr. Seth Kikuni, as well as the full enjoyment of his fundamental rights, in particular, that of benefiting from the assistance of a lawyer of his choice, legal protection of the laws of the Republic within the framework of a fair trial,” he added.

As a reminder, Seth Kikuni’s wife requested the support of the NGO “Voice of the Voiceless” to obtain the release of her husband, arrested since Monday, September 2, in his office. She revealed that her husband had just undergone an operation, and that during this week, he was to be checked by doctors. “I don’t know what conditions he is in. What is he eating?” she asked.

Shortly before, the political party PISTE, during a press briefing held by its spokesperson, denounced a serious violation of human rights against its leader, Seth Kikuni.


2024-09-11 15:29:09
#Arrest #Seth #Kikuni #Claudel #Lubaya #denounces #illegal #detention #hours

What are the implications of Seth Kikuni’s detention for⁣ human rights in​ the Democratic Republic of⁣ Congo?

Seth Kikuni’s Arbitrary Detention Sparks Outrage: Former Deputy‍ Claudel Lubaya ⁢Demands Immediate ‌Release

In a shocking‍ turn of events, the⁢ Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has witnessed a blatant disregard for human rights, ‌as opponent Seth ⁢Kikuni ​remains in preventive detention ⁢for over 10‌ days without ‌formal charges. This ‍move has ⁢sparked widespread outrage, with former national deputy Claudel⁣ Lubaya being the latest to‍ condemn ⁢the arbitrary detention.

Lubaya, a respected ⁣figure ‍in⁢ the DRC’s political landscape, took to his social media⁤ platform, X ⁢(formerly Twitter), to express his discontent [[3]]. He emphasized that the prolonged detention of Kikuni is a flagrant violation of his fundamental rights, as enshrined in the Constitution of the DRC⁤ and international human rights treaties.

The former PPRD executive vehemently argued that no law in the DRC authorizes the detention of a citizen⁢ beyond the legal period of 48 ⁢hours, regardless of the ⁢severity of the alleged crime. He‌ deemed the act as‌ arbitrary, contradicting the official rhetoric on the rule ⁤of law ⁢and undermining the very ⁣foundations ​of the society [[1]].

Lubaya urged the authorities ‍to restore Kikuni’s legitimate rights by releasing him or presenting him to ‍the competent ⁣judicial authority without delay.⁢ He highlighted the importance ​of ensuring respect for ​Kikuni’s jurisdictional ​guarantees ⁣and the ‍full​ enjoyment of his ‌fundamental rights, including the right to legal assistance and a fair trial.

The detention of Kikuni has sent shockwaves across ⁤the political​ spectrum, with many calling‌ for his immediate release. The ‌latest development comes on​ the heels of a⁢ joint effort by Iracan Gratien, Claudel Lubaya, and Seth Kikuni to establish a framework for ⁣consultation among political and social forces in the DRC ⁢ [[1]].

Kikuni’s wife has also appealed ⁣to‍ the NGO “Voice of the Voiceless” for support ⁤in securing her husband’s release, revealing that he was arrested on September 2 ​in his office. The detention has sparked concerns about the safety and ‌well-being of Kikuni, as ‍well⁤ as the respect for human rights in the DRC.

The incident serves as a stark ​reminder of the need for ​the authorities ‌to uphold the ⁢principles of justice, fairness, and‍ human rights ⁢in their ⁣dealings with⁤ citizens. As the international⁢ community watches with bated breath, the ⁢DRC government must ensure that ⁣Kikuni’s rights are respected and that justice is served.

the ​arbitrary detention of Seth Kikuni is a ⁢grave concern ​that must be addressed immediately. The authorities ‍must take⁤ concrete steps to restore ⁤his freedom and guarantee ‌his fundamental‍ rights, as advocated ⁢by Claudel Lubaya and other ‍voices of reason. Only then can the DRC truly claim⁢ to be a ‌champion ⁣of human rights and the ‍rule of ⁣law.

What are the legal implications of Seth Kikuni’s detention beyond the 48-hour limit in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Seth Kikuni’s Arbitrary Detention Sparks Outrage: Former Deputy Claudel Lubaya Demands Immediate Release

In a shocking turn of events, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has witnessed a blatant disregard for human rights, as opponent Seth Kikuni remains in preventive detention for over 10 days without formal charges. This move has sparked widespread outrage, with former national deputy Claudel Lubaya being the latest to condemn the arbitrary detention.

Lubaya, a respected figure in the DRC’s political landscape, took to his social media platform, X (formerly Twitter), to express his discontent [[3]]. He emphasized that the prolonged detention of Kikuni is a flagrant violation of his fundamental rights, as enshrined in the Constitution of the DRC and international human rights treaties.

The former PPRD executive vehemently argued that no law in the DRC authorizes the detention of a citizen beyond the legal period of 48 hours, regardless of the severity of the alleged crime. He deemed the act as arbitrary, contradicting the official rhetoric on the rule of law and undermining the very foundations of the society [[1]].

Lubaya urged the authorities to restore Kikuni’s legitimate rights by releasing him or presenting him to the competent judicial authority without delay. He highlighted the importance of ensuring respect for Kikuni’s jurisdictional guarantees and the full enjoyment of his fundamental rights, including the right to legal assistance and a fair trial.

The detention of Kikuni has sent shockwaves across the political spectrum, with many calling for his immediate release. The latest development comes on the heels of a joint effort by Iracan Gratien, Claudel Lubaya, and Seth Kikuni to establish a framework for consultation among political and social forces in the DRC [[1]].

Kikuni’s wife has also appealed



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