Set in a Women’s Prison, the Film Isolation Ward Presents Action by Kimberly Ryder and Wulan Guritno – 2024-07-23 06:58:58

The film Isolation Ward starring Kimberly Ryder and Wulan Guritno is set in a women’s prison (Doc Mesari Picture)

MESARI Pictures and JP Pictures present Bangsal Isolation, a new investigative mystery film directed by Adhe Dharmastriya. The film will be released in cinemas across Indonesia on July 25, 2024.

The film Bangsal Isolation is set in Central Java in 1990, focusing on the investigative efforts of a journalist, Weni, played by Kimberly Rider. Weni goes undercover as an inmate at Ratu Adil Women’s Penitentiary to uncover the mystery of her sister’s death.

Assisted by a prosecutor’s undercover warden, Adit (Ibrahim Risyad), Weni collects pieces of information indicating that there is a bigger conspiracy hiding behind the walls of the prison institution.

Weni’s investigation is hampered by the presence of Bela (Wulan Guritno), a troublemaking senior inmate who often disturbs the peace of other inmates. Anyone who gets involved in a riot with Bela almost always ends up locked up in the isolation ward.

Strangely, all the prisoners locked up there, will not come out alive. In the midst of the many immoral acts she encounters, Weni turns to Rusdiah (Rowiena Umboh), a prison psychiatrist who offers her a safe and calm space.

As the facts are revealed, the motives and interests of each individual are slowly revealed, revealing who is truly evil and who is simply trying to survive and protect their loved ones.

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Director Adhe Dharmastriya revealed that the prison has a significant function in the development of the film’s story.

“Prison is a place where all guilty people are gathered together. Then, what if people who are already in prison are treated unfairly in prison? Who should they ask for help? Well, on that basis, I want to visualize life in prison with its various conflicts, dramas, and mysteries. Where in this Ratu Adil prison they only have two choices: die or survive,” said Adhe, through his statement, Friday (19/7).

Furthermore, Adhe explained how he utilized the dimensions of the prison space as one of the main ingredients to create the atmosphere needed by the film.

Also read: Isolation Ward tells the story from the point of view of a women’s prison

“What needs to be underlined is that this is not a horror film that will bring up jumpscares or demons. Rather, it is the conditions in prison itself that create a scary atmosphere.”

As briefly leaked in the trailer, Isolation Ward will also feature an intense duel scene between Kimberly Rider and Wulan Guritno in prison.

As an actress who always tries not to repeat herself by playing similar characters, Wulan is interested in playing Bela because this will be her first time playing a prisoner. The Isolation Ward also feels special to Wulan, because this marks her return to exploring the action genre, considering the last time she was involved in an action film was about 20 years ago.

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“Especially when I found out that the prison set would be filmed at Van Der Wijck Fort, I was even more convinced that this film would be really interesting,” he added.

Meanwhile, Kimberly, considers that the Isolation Ward, which combines the action, thriller and mystery genres, is the perfect project for her to return to after a long hiatus from the film industry.

“I felt really challenged after reading the script,” said Kimberly.

“Plus there was a fighting scene with Mbak Wulan, it was exciting and very challenging for me.”

The historical site of Van Der Wijck Fortress, was used as the main filming location in the Isolation Ward. Being the setting for several key scenes in the Ratu Adil Women’s Prison, producer Mulyadi JP felt that this defensive fortress from the Dutch East Indies era was the most suitable location, because of its distinctive appearance that could naturally heighten the tense atmosphere in the film.

“Van Der Wijck Fort has a very specific and unique aura, which is almost impossible to replicate in other locations,” said Mulyadi.

“Van Der Wijk Fortress can be said to be a ‘character’ in itself in this film.”

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