Set a precedent!The Indian judge asked ChatGPT to help open the court and the verdict came out | ChatGPT set off a wave | Digital

U.S.artificial intelligenceResearch LabOpenAIchatbot launchedChatGPTA lot of users have been accumulated in a short period of time. No matter what intractable diseases there are, ChatGPT can almost dig out answers from big data to users. Recently, a judge in India even used ChatGPT to assist in judgment even in court, setting a domestic precedent in India.

According to the New York Post (New York Post) reported that a prisoner, Jaswinder Singh, was arrested in 2020 on suspicion of assault and murder. The trial is still ongoing, and Jaswinder Singh also requested probation.

Judge Anoop (Anoop Chitkara) “invited” the robot to join in the sentencing process. He asked: “What is the bail case when the attacker beats the victim?” ChatGPT replied: “If the attacker is charged with a crime of violence, like murder, aggravated assault, or torture, may be considered a danger to the community and a flight risk, so the judge may be reluctant to release bail, or set a high bail amount to ensure that the defendant appears in court and that he does not danger to public safety.”

However, ChatGPT also mentioned: “The presumption of innocence is a fundamental principle of the judicial system.” If the defendant has committed a violent crime but has no flight risk or threat to the community, he may be granted bail. After referring to the information provided by ChatGPT,The judge dismissed Garth Winder’s bail application on the grounds that Garth Winder did cause serious harm to the victim.

This is the first time in Indian judicial history that a judge has completed a sentence with the assistance of a chatbot. Last month, a Colombian judge also used ChatGPT to assist in a case related to autism medical treatment.

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