Session excerpt – the shrink alchimises his arrogance – Brèves de psys

Marie was in front of her pizza, she really wanted it and she was very hungry. As a young teenager, her body suddenly demanded more calories than before. But she knew the rules of propriety dictated by her mother: you should not eat more than half. Her mom wasn’t at the restaurant.

Marie :

There were kids my age at the next table, they had eaten a whole pizza each. My dad told me “eat whatever you want”, he didn’t care regarding those rules. I was very afraid of my mother’s reaction, of her anger

She knew her mother was going to ask what she ate and how much, that her father was going to say he didn’t remember. But Marie mightn’t lie.

Today, Marie came to see me to cure her bulimia and at the same time take a step back and assert herself vis-à-vis the peremptory and invasive injunctions of her mother who imposed her points of view on food without taking into account her daughter’s opinion and feelings.

This type of trauma is relatively easy to heal. Since the discovery of mirror neurons we know that experiencing, witnessing this experience and imagining this experience involve the same bodily reaction, which opens the door to new therapeutic perspectives where we can imagine a past traumatic scene while modifying the emotional and bodily imprint. While she was describing the scene, I projected myself into the accompaniment, seeing in detail how to proceed: a visualization during which I guided her towards the creation of a body memory in connection with her internal evaluation center.

I share this possibility with him, while indicating to him that the session coming to an end, we do not have time to initiate the visualization today.

Marie :

I have to think regarding it. In my culture certain psychic manipulations are considered black magic

I did not expect this answer at all. I was amazed and certainly also a bit in denial. She was going to think regarding it and tell me yes, that was certain. Then came the next session.

Moi :

Have you thought regarding the visualization that I proposed to you?

Marie :

Yes, I don’t feel it, I’m not quite comfortable

I was a little shaken by this new situation, and suddenly did not see very clearly how we might work other than according to my plans. I had a blackout due to my rigidity. And suddenly I took a step back and saw myself in the situation. I took a breath to refocus and put my experience into words.

Moi :

In fact I realize that I am happy that you can tell me that, because without having planned or wanted it, I find myself in the role of your mother and you stand up to me.

Marie :

What ?

Moi :

You say no to an authority figure who knows better than you what is good for you, and who imposes it on you without taking into account your own evaluation

This scene allowed us to realize his new ability to listen and take his sometimes very subtle bodily feelings seriously. She had made a transition from acting with her head to acting with her feelings, a recurring theme among people with an eating disorder.

Moi :

I wanna tell you if you feel like it’s fair you can eat all the pizza

Session excerpt is a series of articles that offers an overview of what the reality of our work as shrinks can be, by highlighting specific moments. NB: To respect professional secrecy, certain information is modified.

Photo credit: Madison Mc
(She made this montage following a proposal made to her by her therapist to illustrate her experience of the sessions).



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