Until next June 8, you can request a change of electoral address for the regional and municipal elections on October 27.

The Electoral Service recalled that this is the one registered and that it may not necessarily coincide with your place of residence. The law is explicit in establishing that it must be a place with which the voter has an objective link, either because he or she resides habitually or temporarily, exercises his or her profession or trade, or carries out his or her studies there.

For this reason, Servel called on people not to declare false addresses. The law establishes penalties of minor imprisonment in its minimum degree and a fine of ten to one hundred monthly tax units for the voter who, when declaring or updating the electoral address or the accreditation of the neighborhood, provides false data or an electoral address different from those permitted.

Likewise, it establishes a minor prison sentence in its medium degree, a fine of ten to fifty monthly tax units and absolute and perpetual disqualification from holding public offices and offices, for anyone who incites, promotes, solicits or organizes voters to modify your electoral address, declaring a new one with false information or data different from those permitted.

In the past, Servel has reported abnormal situations involving changes in addresses: in 2016 it detected two cases in which the percentage of changes in addresses exceeded 60%, complaining regarding 673 situations that occurred in the commune in Sierra Gorda and 653 in Colchane.