Serious riots in Dublin after knife attack on children

2023-11-23 21:11:00

As the Irish broadcaster RTÉ reported, two buses and a police car were set on fire and a shop was looted. In addition, police officers were attacked and had bottles thrown at them.

A police spokesman blamed the attacks on right-wing extremist hooligans who committed serious acts of violence. “We are bringing in reinforcements to deal with this,” the spokesman said, according to RTÉ.

A five-year-old girl and a woman were seriously injured in the knife attack in the afternoon. This was reported by RTÉ on Thursday, citing police and emergency services. Two other children suffered minor injuries. A suspect who was arrested on site is also said to have suffered serious injuries.

Picture gallery: Serious riots in Dublin

Riots in Dublin (Photo: PETER MURPHY (AFP)) Bild 1/6

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According to the report, the man, aged between 40 and 50, attacked the children as they lined up in front of a crèche. The injured woman is said to be a daycare employee who intervened to protect the children. Several passers-by managed to overpower the man and hold him until the police arrived. According to a police spokesman, no other suspects were initially sought in connection with the crime. A motive was initially unknown, but the police did not assume a terrorist background.

The incident occurred shortly before 2 p.m. (local time, 3 p.m. CET) in Parnell Square East in the center of the Irish capital. Prime Minister Leo Varadkar was shocked. He thanked the rescue workers who were quickly at the scene. Justice Minister Helen McEntee spoke of a “horrific attack on three innocent children and a woman.”


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