Series of questions at the special City Council Accountability meeting

A series of questions are asking the spiral as part of the special meeting of the City Council Accountability.

The questions have to do with the train, the port, municipal property, etc. As stated in a corresponding announcement:


There are two emblematic projects for today’s Patras, without the completion of which neither the city’s image and function, nor its development will be complete: the arrival of the train to the new port and the shaping of the sea front in its wider area not at all.

We ask the municipal authority that is at the helm of the country “what does it plan to do for these two projects with huge prospects?”. At the end of your term, Mr. Mayor, a full fifteen years will have passed, identified with a critical period for the country and for the city.

We would like to know – and we are sure that the citizens of Patras are also anxious and wondering: “What planning is there for the next four years and what progress can we expect in the “train” and “old port” issues?”.

We include the specific questions in the context of the municipal authority’s accountability, requesting that the city be informed “what is the plan you have drawn up and what moves have you made during the first eight months of your new term, in relation to these two projects”.

Finally, we ask for your prediction on where the projects in question will be when Patras completes two centuries of modern history, in 2029.


Lagios, Agora Argyri, Loutra, Theatraki Germanou, Annex: Five municipal properties that are not utilized on behalf of the Municipality and the citizens. The list is indicative and not exhaustive.

The former Laios is in ruins, despite the business interest it shows and while its operating model existed by contributing money to the Municipality’s coffers.

The competition for the focal point of Agora Argyri has come up short again and again, leaving a central municipal property empty and underutilized for years.

The old Baths stopped hosting exhibitions, they were permanently closed and there is no prospect of their renovation. We remind you that we have requested the space as a municipal faction to house our offices, in exchange for beautifying the building and solving its operational problems.

The open-air theater of Germanos has ceased to function or rather is offered for use occasionally and with some having privileged access.

Finally, the Annex is still under occupation – despite occasional evacuations and prosecutorial interventions – at a time when Patras lacks a central multi-purpose hall for conferences and other events.

We ask what planning exists for the specific municipal properties and for the utilization of municipal property in general? Will funds be claimed? Will the Patrini receive the same treatment as the Ministry of Justice that we granted the Sokari House to? Is there a housing plan for municipal groups – where and from when?


There has been an increase in the number of residents complaining about the inadequate (or even completely absent) response of the Patreon Municipality to their requests. It is not about solving issues, but about the simple process of replying with even a brief comment of any kind (even if it is of the logic “your request has been forwarded”, “your issue is being dealt with by such and such a service”, “we cannot answer you until then”, “the issue is not within our competence”, “our services cannot respond”, etc.).

In parallel, moreover, with the letters and messages that officially reach the Municipality of Patreon and are recorded, there are the social networks of the municipality, the SenseCity platform, and even the telephone numbers of the Departments and/or their political superiors.

We ask – in essence a question of many of our fellow citizens – if there is any protocol established by the Municipality of Patreon for the way and time of response to the requests of the citizens. Are there procedures in place? Are they observed? Do the requests reach the offices of the Deputy Mayors?

(At the meeting, specific citizens’ requests that have been submitted in various ways and remain completely unanswered) will be presented.

#Series #questions #special #City #Council #Accountability #meeting



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