Sergio Mayer’s Book: Bárbara Mori’s Unexpected Mention

2024-03-01 05:20:32

In the world of entertainment, surprises are a constant. Recently, Uruguayan actress Bárbara Mori has been involved in an unexpected situation: the mention of her name in the book of her ex-husband, Sergio Mayer.

Bárbara Mori talks about her mention in Sergio Mayer’s book

Sergio Mayer, known for his participation in the musical group Garibaldi and his political career, presented his book ‘Between hell and success’ a few months ago. In this book, Mayer invites us to reflect on our own goals and dreams, reminding us that it is never too late to pursue our passions and face our fears.

The news of Barbara Mori’s mention in Mayer’s book reached the actress during a red carpet. Mori was surprised to learn of the book’s existence and her inclusion in it.

“Here I just got the news, I didn’t know he wrote a book,” said Bárbara Mori. When asked if she had granted permission for her name to appear in the text, the actress responded: “I didn’t know the book existed, so obviously I didn’t give permission.”

Despite the initial surprise, Bárbara Mori seemed calm and relaxed about the situation. She stated that it has been many years since anything could really bother her: “At this point, there are few things that bother me,” she commented.

The actress also highlighted that Sergio Mayer is an important part of her past and that, instead of remembering it with disdain or from a negative point of view, she always tries to learn from all experiences.

“Everything grows [y aprende]through the good times, the bad times, everything grows,” said Mori.

This news has generated a great stir on social networks and has put the line between private and public life in the world of entertainment at the center of the discussion.

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