Sergio Massa in Río Negro: he accentuated his differences with Milei without mentioning it, facing the runoff

2023-11-14 22:20:00

The Minister of Economy Sergio Massa did not miss the opportunity during his visit to Roca to charge against the candidate Javier Milei of Libertad Avanza (although without mentioning him) and again criticized his proposals as he did during the presidential debate, a few days before the runoff.

“The Falklands are Argentine”

The Unión por la Patria candidate strongly emphasized this point to differentiate himself from the libertarian who He had ratified his affinity with former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
“She was a great leader,” he had declared last Sunday.
Even organizations of former combatants of the Malvinas war repudiated the claim that Milei made to the former British leader.

“Yes to Vaca Muerta and a project that defends the national industry”

Massa also questioned Milei again when referring to the hydrocarbon basin. Before the debate, The national deputy had proposed privatizing Vaca Muerta although during the debate he had lowered his tone and pointed out that it was “a provincial issue, I don’t have to get involved.”
The Minister of Economy stressed that The national government must continue betting on the hydrocarbon basin and criticized the opening of the market.
“Yes to Vaca muerte, to a country project that defends the national industry and not to indiscriminate opening,” he expressed.

“Yes to public education and public universities”

The Unión por la Patria candidate also resorted to this point to criticize his opponent who proposed tariffing education. In the debate Milei pointed out that “in the short term, I am not going to tariff. Then I’m going to give people the resources to decide which university they want to attend.”
During his act in Roca, The minister harangued that he would work for public education and public universities.

#Sergio #Massa #Río #Negro #accentuated #differences #Milei #mentioning #facing #runoff

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