Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi, the formula of Union for the Fatherland: the first reactions

2023-06-24 01:35:42

This Friday night, at hours of the closing of the lists scheduled for tomorrow Saturday, Argentine politics, busy for these hours in negotiations and meetings, was surprised by the announcement of the officialism’s unity formulamade up of the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, and the Chief of Staff, Agustín Rossi.

Patricia Bullrich: “She came to try to help and destroyed the lives of Argentines much more”

One of the first leaders to react to the news was the presidential candidate for the PRO, Patricia Bullrichwho in an interview with the La Nación+ channel, offered his opinion on the new electoral commitment of Unión por la Patria.

«A while ago, Luis Petri had said that the government is the crew of the Titanic. Well, this is the Titanic pilot, 104% inflation, economic disaster. He came to try to help and destroyed the lives of Argentines much more,” said the former Minister of Security, with the critical tone that characterizes her.

Then, he continued his analysis on his Twitter account, with a new implicit questioning of the minister: “Arsonist applies for firefighter«.

Javier Milei pointed against Sergio Massa and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta

Another presidential candidate also gave his opinion, the national deputy for La Libertad Avanza, Javier Miley. Through his Twitter profile, the liberal economist mentioned Massa and compared him to Horacio Rodriguez Larretapre-candidate for President for the PRO, like Bullrich.

“On one side, Massa. From the other Larreta. The two faces of the same coin. The guarantee that nothing changes. A different Argentina is impossible with the same as always, ”launched the benchmark of liberalism, to end with his classic catchphrase:“ Long live freedom damn it.

Juan Grabois anticipated that he will go to PASO: “I keep my word”

For the ruling party, meanwhile, who also referred to the candidacy for President of Sergio Massa, who will be accompanied by Agustín Rossi as vice candidate, was Juan Graboisleader who maintains serious differences with the head of the Palacio de Hacienda.

In his social networks, he assured that “I keep my word» and anticipated that he will be a candidate for a new space within Unión por la Patria, as he had mentioned in case the Minister of Economy was to compete. «Let’s go to STEP. I will be a candidate. We have the constitutional right“, He launched.

In this way, the referent of the Frente Patria Grande put into tension the presumed unity achieved in the ruling party with the candidacy of the former president of the Chamber of Deputies, which derived, in parallel, in the decline of Eduardo Wado de Pedro and Daniel Scioli, the other applicants of the coalition

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Alberto Fernández, without statements, but with a suggestive “retweet”

Although the president Alberto Fernandez He did not release any formal expression about the new formula, he did share, on his social networks, the tweet from Unión por la Patria announcing the new duo of the ruling party in the race for the Casa Rosada.

Juan Manzur congratulated Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi, after being left out of the formula

On the other hand, the governor of Tucumán, Juan Manzurwho until hours ago was a candidate for vice president of the candidacy of Wado de Pedro, He also used his Twitter account to congratulate Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi.

“We celebrate the unity of our political space and we wish success to our candidates for president. @SergioMassa already vice president @RossiAgustinOkwho express the consensus of the forces that we integrate @unionxlapatria“Wrote the president, who had prepared a video for his vice-presidential nomination.

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