Sergei Shnurov provoked a huge scandal at a concert on the occasion of the 875th anniversary of Moscow

The compositions performed by the leader of “Leningrad” were not to everyone’s liking. Now people are demanding to figure out who allowed Cord to perform at the festival.

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49-year-old Russian musician Sergei Shnurov (better known by the nickname Shnur) provoked a huge scandal at a concert on the occasion of the 875th anniversary of Moscow. Spectators present at the event were outraged that recently father once more the leader of “Leningrad” performed the hit “Moscow” with a very ambiguous text. The lyrical hero of the composition “had a wonderful dream” regarding a fire in the very center of the Russian capital. The song contains the words that “no one survived, everyone burned down”, and not far from Red Square “the former election commission is smoldering”.

The incident drew the attention of several popular bloggers and journalists. “Idiots,” Anton Suvorkin, better known as Anton S, briefly described the incident. In turn, the publicist Mikhail Shakhnazarov was more verbose. He was outraged not only by the song performed by Cord, but also by the fireworks arranged in Moscow.

“Today Shnurov sang at Luzhniki. Sang in honor of the 875th anniversary of Moscow. Well, thanks for the fireworks. He was at the right time and place. Although… I guess I don’t understand something, and this is different. Now I will try to understand and draw conclusions,” Shakhnazarov points out in his Telegram channel.

Many netizens agree with the journalist. “Is this serious?”, “Salute on such a day is a shame”, “A feast during the plague”, “Is the city’s holiday itself in place, when people flee the cities in thousands?”, “I don’t know what should happen in order to at least something has changed for the better”, “Some Cords have a patriot, it turns out. That is, taking off your pants, urinating on the public, cursing in songs – is this patriotism? Class. Throw this scum out of the country”, “Here is a freak”, “Cord stoned?” — commentators are perplexed.

Source: Telegram

Photo source: Vladimir Velengurin/KP



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