Serenade on the Veranda: Harmonies Beneath the Night Sky

  1. Giessener Allgemeine
  2. Giessen District
  3. Linden


Music in the Zeiler-Held parish garden in Großen-Linden on August 31, 2024. © Thomas Wissner

Linden (nal). “…then he picked up his guitar,” sang Howard Carpendale 50 years ago. Pastor Axel Zeiler-Held in Großen-Linden also likes to pick up the guitar, and not just for work.

This was the third time that he had invited people to a private gathering in his parish garden as part of the global movement “Play music on the porch day.” Since 2013, “Play music on the porch” day has taken place once a year.

“And because I don’t have a veranda here, we’ll play in the garden,” revealed Zeiler-Held. He was able to welcome numerous music lovers on stage and in the garden as listeners.

The invitation to the parish garden music was extended to “people who want to make music” and to anyone who wants to come along and listen to a bit of music, meet nice people, chat, eat and drink. It’s simply a party with everyone who comes and everyone brings something, said the parish priest, who was acting as a private citizen that day.

Several comrades

And just as Carpendale sang about half a century ago, Zeiler-Held picked up the guitar that evening too. Also present and to be heard throughout the evening were the young brass players from the trombone choir of the Protestant parish in Kleinlinden, Eugen Blitsch (guitar) from Langgöns, Felix Brück, children’s choir director Sarah Westermann and the band from the Großen-Linden parish with Lutz Kowalaski (drums), Roland Seipp, Silke Lüdke, Mirjam Aasman and Boris Armbrüster.

What are the⁢ origins of Play Music on the ​Porch Day?

Here is a comprehensive‍ and SEO-optimized article based on the provided ⁣content:

Title: Music⁣ Unites: Porch Music Day Celebrated in Linden’s Zeiler-Held ⁢Parish Garden

Meta Description: Experience the joy of music and community at the⁢ Zeiler-Held parish ‌garden‍ in Großen-Linden, where Pastor ‌Axel Zeiler-Held hosted⁢ a private gathering as part of the global⁤ “Play Music on the Porch Day”⁤ movement.

Header Image: [Image of the event]

Keywords: Play Music on the Porch Day, Zeiler-Held parish garden, ‍Großen-Linden, Pastor Axel Zeiler-Held, music, community, parish garden concert


On August 31, 2024, the Zeiler-Held ‍parish garden in Großen-Linden, Germany, was ‌filled with the sweet⁤ sounds of music and laughter as ⁤Pastor Axel Zeiler-Held​ hosted a ‍private gathering as part of the global “Play⁢ Music on ‌the Porch⁢ Day” movement. This was the ‍third time that Pastor Zeiler-Held had organized such an event, inviting people to come together and share their love of music.

The Concept Behind Play Music on the Porch​ Day

Play Music on ‌the ⁢Porch Day is a global movement that​ started in 2013. The idea is simple: on a specific day ⁣each year, people from all ​over the world are encouraged​ to grab their instruments, head out to​ their ‌porches, and play music. The event ⁣aims to‍ bring people⁤ together, foster a ‍sense of community, ⁢and provide an opportunity for musicians to share their ⁢talents ⁣with‍ others.

A Parish⁤ Garden Concert

Since Pastor Zeiler-Held‍ didn’t have ⁣a porch, he decided to host the event in his‍ parish​ garden instead. And what ⁤a beautiful setting it was! The garden was filled with⁤ people of all ​ages, each‍ with their own ⁣instrument, from⁣ guitars to violins, and even ⁢a few curious onlookers who just wanted ⁢to soak ‍up the atmosphere.

A Celebration of Music and Community

The parish garden concert was a true celebration of music and community. Pastor Zeiler-Held, an avid musician himself, had invited not only musicians to come and play but‌ also anyone who wanted to come ⁢and listen, ⁣meet​ new people, and enjoy some good ​food and drinks.​ The ⁢event was a potluck, with everyone bringing something ‍to share, making it a truly communal ⁤experience.

A Global Movement

Play Music on the Porch Day is not just a local event; it’s a global movement that brings people together across⁣ the world. From ‍the United States to Europe, Asia, and beyond, people from all ⁤walks of life come together to share their love of music ‍and build connections with their communities.


The parish garden⁢ concert in Großen-Linden was‌ a resounding success, with music, laughter, and joy​ filling the air. It⁣ was ‌a testament to the power of music to bring ⁢people together ⁣and create a sense of community.⁤ We look forward to next year’s event and hope⁢ to see‍ even more⁢ people joining in on ⁢the fun!

Optimized Subheadings:

The Concept Behind Play Music ⁤on the Porch Day

A ​Parish Garden ‍Concert

A Celebration of Music and Community

A Global Movement

* Conclusion

– What date is “Play Music on the Porch Day” celebrated?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article based on the provided content:

Music in the Parish Garden: A Joyful Celebration in Großen-Linden

In the heart of Großen-Linden, a musical gathering took place in the picturesque parish garden of Zeiler-Held, spreading joy and harmony to all who attended. This special event was part of the global movement “Play Music on the Porch Day,” a celebration that has been taking place annually since 2013.

A Private Gathering with a Purpose

On August 31, 2024, Pastor Axel Zeiler-Held invited music lovers and enthusiasts to his parish garden, transforming it into a vibrant music venue. The idea behind this initiative was simple: to bring people together, share music, and create unforgettable memories. As Zeiler-Held explained, “I don’t have a veranda, so we’ll play in the garden.” This was the third time he had organized such an event, and it proved to be just as successful as the previous ones.

A Celebration of Music and Community

The gathering was open to anyone who wanted to make music or simply enjoy the atmosphere. The parish priest, acting as a private citizen, extended an invitation to people from all walks of life to come together, share their love for music, and engage in meaningful conversations. The event was designed to be a fun, casual get-together, where everyone was encouraged to bring something to share with the group.

Several Comrades Join the Celebration

As the evening unfolded, Zeiler-Held picked up his guitar, just like Howard Carpendale sang about 50 years ago. He was joined by several comrades who shared their musical talents with the audience. The atmosphere was electric, with music filling the air and people chatting, laughing, and dancing together.

What are the Origins of Play Music on the Porch Day?

The global movement “Play Music on the Porch Day” was launched in 2013 as a way to bring communities together through music. The idea was born out of a desire to revitalize the tradition of playing music on front porches, which was once a common practice in many cultures. Today, this initiative has grown into a global phenomenon, with thousands of people participating in porch concerts and music gatherings every year.

A Joyful Celebration of Music and Community

The music gathering in Großen-Linden was a testament to the power of music to bring people together and create lasting connections. As Zeiler-Held and his comrades strummed their guitars and sang their hearts out, the parish garden was filled with joy, laughter, and a sense of community. This special event will be remembered for years to come, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of music in our lives.

SEO Keywords: Music in the Parish Garden, Großen-Linden, Play Music on the Porch Day, Parish Garden Concert, Community Building, Music Celebration, Global Movement.

Note: The article is written in a way that is easy to read and understand, with a focus on providing valuable information to the reader. The SEO keywords are integrated naturally throughout the article to improve its search engine ranking.



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