Serafe Maintains Exclusive Role in Collecting Radio and TV Fees

2024-09-16 07:29:40

#Radio #fees #Serafe #remains #collection #agency

– What are the implications of Serafe’s contract extension for the⁢ collection of TV and radio fees in Switzerland?

Serafe⁤ Remains the ‌Collection Agency for ⁢Radio and Television‌ Fees

Published: September 16, 2024,‍ 07:29:40

Updated: September⁣ 16, 2024, 07:29:40

The Swiss company Serafe AG has secured the contract to collect TV​ and⁣ radio fees until ​at ⁤least 2034. The Federal Department‍ of the Environment, Transport, Energy, and⁢ Communications⁤ (Uvek) ‌has awarded the Pfäffikon-based company the contract for further years.

A Long-Standing Partnership

Serafe has been responsible⁢ for collecting TV⁢ and radio ‍fees in Switzerland since‌ 2019.​ With this new contract, the company will continue to ⁤send out​ fee invoices to households‌ and businesses across the country. The ⁣fees collected are​ used to fund public service⁢ broadcasting, including radio and ‍television ‍stations.

Efficient and Reliable Collection Services

Serafe’s contract extension ⁢is ⁣a testament to the ⁤company’s efficient⁢ and reliable collection services. ⁣With a strong track record of⁤ delivering‌ accurate ⁢and timely invoices,‌ Serafe has⁤ proven itself ⁢to be a trustworthy partner for‍ the Swiss government.

Why TV and⁣ Radio Fees Matter

TV and radio ⁣fees play a crucial role in funding public service ⁢broadcasting ​in Switzerland. The fees collected are used to support⁤ high-quality programming, including news, documentaries,⁢ and entertainment shows. By paying TV ⁢and radio fees, households ‍and businesses contribute to the country’s rich cultural and media landscape.

What This ⁤Means for You

If you’re a household or business in⁣ Switzerland, you can expect to continue receiving⁣ TV and radio fee invoices from ⁣Serafe.⁤ The⁢ company will work closely with the Uvek to ensure​ that fees⁤ are collected efficiently and ‍accurately,‍ and that the funds are used to support public service broadcasting.


The contract extension between‌ Serafe and the Uvek ensures that ⁤TV and radio fees ‌will continue to be collected efficiently⁤ and reliably. ⁣By supporting public ⁣service broadcasting, the fees collected by Serafe contribute​ to⁢ a vibrant and diverse‍ media landscape in Switzerland.

Keyword: Serafe, TV and radio‍ fees, public service ‍broadcasting, ⁣Uvek, Switzerland.

Meta Description: ⁤Serafe AG has secured the contract⁤ to collect TV and radio ⁣fees in ​Switzerland until 2034. Learn more about the‌ importance of TV and⁣ radio fees and⁤ what‌ this means for you.

Image Alt Text: The fee invoices⁣ continue to come from Serafe.

Optimized Keywords: Serafe, ⁢TV and ​radio fees, Switzerland, Uvek, public service broadcasting.

SEO-Optimized​ Headings: Serafe ⁣Remains the‌ Collection Agency for Radio⁤ and​ Television Fees, A Long-Standing Partnership, Efficient ​and Reliable ⁢Collection Services, Why TV and Radio Fees Matter, What This Means for ⁢You,⁢ Conclusion.

Internal Linking: [Link to related articles or pages on the website].

External Linking: [Link to credible sources or government websites].

Image Caption: The ⁣fee invoices continue to come from Serafe. (Credit: 20min/Marco Zangger)



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