September in Gold: Fighting Against Childhood and Adolescent Cancers

2023-09-11 18:01:34

You know Pink October, but do you know September in Gold ? It’s the month to fight once morest childhood and adolescent cancers. They are rare: 2,500 new cases in France compared to 400,000 among adults. In Lorraine, these cancers are treated at the Nancy CHRU, which follows around 500 children per year.

Ces cancers rares, mainly leukemia or brain tumors, have the particularity of progressing very quickly, at the same pace as the cells of the child’s body. Although they have a high chance of being treated (83% cure at five years), they must be detected as early as possible. Every year in France, 500 children or adolescents die from pediatric cancer.

Aubin, ambassador of September in Gold in Lorraine this year

Iulia is the mother of a little Messin, Aubin, now 6 and a half years old. It is he who appears on the posters for September in Gold in Lorraine. A tumor was detected in his brain when he was 18 months old. “Around the age of one, we noticed that little things were stagnating, especially when it came to walking. And then he had a tremor in his hand“, says Iulia. The pediatrician who follows the child prescribes an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), and the verdict falls: medulloblastoma. Aubin presents a malignant tumor, 5 cm in diameter, located in his cerebellum, which has developed a metastasis in the spinal cord. The shock is immense for the family. “The announcement is the foot of the mountain, and we know that it will take a very, very long time to climb“.

The child is operated regarding twenty times, will experience complications, chemotherapy… Today, he must have an MRI every six months. “He was majestic in his fight. Adorable, very accommodating during treatment. After a brain tumor, children often have mutism for a few months. But today, he has completely regained his speech“. The cerebellum being the center of balance, Aubin is now in a wheelchair. He was able to return to school, with an AESH, a support person for students with disabilities… This is the ” second fight”, for families: fighting to assert your rights: “It’s stressful, exhausting. Requests for AESH, support, rehabilitation, technical aid support, home planning… And the Departmental House for Disabled People (MDPH) takes months to respond“. If Iulia speaks today, it is in particular to that elected officials and administrations become aware of these problems.

Pediatric cancers neglected by research

If pediatric cancers are treated better and better, going from 30% to more than 80% cure at five years over the last forty years, “research stagnates“, deplores Guy Ollinger, the president of the Children Cancer Health Federation in the Grand Est . “First of all, childhood cancers do not correspond at all to those of adults, they are completely specific. Children therefore cannot benefit from current research. And since these are very rare diseases, the laboratories are not interested in them, it is not profitable for them. It is therefore private associations which replace the State to finance a large part of the research“.

If you want to support research once morest pediatric cancers, and the month of Golden September, go here Sunday September 17 in Bouzonville for a big day of children’s concerts bien connus en Moselle (Lou-Agathe, Lissandro…), en présence de Cindy Sander, marraine de l’événement. De 14h30 à 20 heures à la salle des fêtes de Bouzonville. (function(w, d) if (w.FB && w.FB.XFBML && w.FB.XFBML.parse) if (‘undefined’ == typeof w.__fbTimeout) w.__fbTimeout = setTimeout(function() w.FB.XFBML.parse(); w.__fbTimeout = undefined; , 1000); else if (‘undefined’ == typeof w.__fbTimeout) if (d.querySelectorAll(‘#fb-root’).length === 0) var fbRoot = d.createElement(‘div’); = ‘fb-root’; d.querySelector(‘body’).append(fbRoot); if (d.querySelectorAll(‘#facebook-jssdk’).length === 0) var fbScript = d.createElement(‘script’); = ‘facebook-jssdk’; fbScript.src=”″; fbScript.async = 1; d.querySelector(‘head’).append(fbScript); )(window, window.document); u003C/script>”,”provider”:”facebook”,”didomiPurposes”:”Pour afficher ce contenu Facebook, vous devez accepter les cookies u003Cb>Réseaux Sociauxu003C/b>.u003Cbr>u003Cbr>Ces cookies permettent de partager ou réagir directement sur les réseaux sociaux auxquels vous êtes connectés ou d’intégrer du contenu initialement posté sur ces réseaux sociaux. Ils permettent aussi aux réseaux sociaux d’utiliser vos visites sur nos sites et applications à des fins de personnalisation et de ciblage publicitaire.”,”didomiVendorId”:”c:facebookc-rgacRMQm”}},”type”:”heading”,”level”:2,”value”:”Les cancers pédiatriques délaissés par la recherche”,”type”:”text”,”children”:[“type”:”text”,”value”:”Si les cancers pédiatriques se soignent de mieux en mieux, passant de 30 % à plus de 80 % de guérison à cinq ans ces quarante dernières années, \”u003Cem>u003Cstrong>la recherche stagneu003C/strong>u003C/em>\”, déplore Guy Ollinger, le président de la “,”type”:”link”,”data”:”href”:””,”value”:”fédération Enfants Cancers Santé dans le Grand Est”,”type”:”text”,”value”:”. \”u003Cem>D’abord, les cancers de l’enfant ne correspondent pas du tout à ceux des adultes, ils sont tout à fait particuliers. Les enfants ne peuvent donc pas bénéficier des recherches actuelles. Et puis comme ce sont des maladies très rares, les laboratoires ne s’y intéressent pas, ce n’est pas rentable pour eux. Ce sont donc les associations privées qui se substituent à l’Etat pour financer une grande partie des recherchesu003C/em>\”.”],”type”:”list”,”ordered”:false,”children”:[“type”:”list_item”,”children”:[“type”:”text”,”value”:”Si vous voulez soutenir la recherche contre les cancers pédiatriques, et le mois Septembre en Or, rendez-vous le “,”type”:”link”,”data”:”href”:””,”value”:”dimanche 17 septembre à Bouzonville”,”type”:”text”,”value”:”, pour une u003Cstrong>grande journée de concerts d’enfantsu003C/strong> bien connus en Moselle (Lou-Agathe, Lissandro…), en présence de Cindy Sander, marraine de l’événement. De 14h30 à 20 heures à la salle des fêtes de Bouzonville.”]]],”location”:”title”:”Moselle”,”strPublishedDate”:”Monday September 11, 2023 at 8:01 p.m.”,”strManualUpdate”: null,”folder”:null}},”display”:”hotTopics”:[“id”:”73ff2a80-cf2b-46e4-95e4-68a4ba3ae789″,”title”:”Coupe du monde de rugby”,”path”:”theme/coupe-du-monde-rugby”,”id”:”61fa8eed-ebf8-4a8b-a4fc-4102108fe8f2″,”title”:”Les Restos du Cœur”,”path”:”theme/restos-du-coeur”],”newsFlash”:[],”highBanner”:true}”}
#testimony #Metz #mother #fight #pediatric #cancers

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