September 7: Traditions, Festivities, and Observances of the Day

The Day of Military Intelligence of Ukraine was established by the Decree of the President of Ukraine on September 7, 2022


Today it is impossible to borrow and lend money

September 7 marks Military Intelligence Day, eSports Day in Ukraine, International Police Cooperation Day, World Beard Day. Believers commemorate the day of memory of the holy martyr Sozont.

Day of military intelligence

This professional holiday was established by the Decree of the President of Ukraine in 2022. It honors the contribution of military intelligence to the protection of national interests and the strengthening of the state’s defense capabilities. The history of military intelligence of Ukraine begins in 1992, when the Office of Military Strategic Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was established.

Since then, scouts have played an important role in ensuring the country’s security, in particular during the conflicts in eastern Ukraine.

Ukrainian military scouts are quickly gaining new experience and have become one of the foundations of Ukrainian statehood. Only with time will we be able to learn about the results of the work of our intelligence officers, because most intelligence successes cannot be talked about publicly. However, the indisputable result of its activity is the achievements of our state on the battlefield, the liberation of our territories from the Russian invaders and confidence in the future victory.

The success of a combat operation depends on scouts. Intelligence allows you to hear and see the enemy, predict the movement of armed forces, determine the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy. It is extremely important that the intelligence fills the evidence base regarding Russian aggression and war crimes on the territory of Ukraine.

Read also: Day of military intelligence: greetings in prose, poems and bright postcards

Day of eSports in Ukraine

E-sports has been a part of Ukrainian culture since the advent of computer games. Over the years, Ukraine has created some of the strongest eSports teams competing in such global hits as Quake, CS:GO and Fortnite. Among them, the Dota 2 team NAVI stands out, which has gained international fame and numerous prestigious awards.

The official recognition of eSports in Ukraine took place on September 7, 2020, which became an important milestone in the development of eSports in the country. This recognition paved the way for the creation of the eSports Federation of Ukraine, which has since played an important role in popularizing eSports, training teams, organizing championships, attracting investments and sponsorships for the Ukrainian eSports scene. On September 7, another date is celebrated as the Day of eSports in Ukraine.

International Day of Police Cooperation

This holiday was established by the UN General Assembly in 2022. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness of the important role played by national and international law enforcement agencies in ensuring global security. This day highlights the need for close international cooperation to fight organized crime, terrorism and cybercrime.

Special attention is paid to gender equality in law enforcement, as the participation of women in the police is crucial for an effective and accountable service.

World Beard Day

It falls on the first Saturday of September every year. This is a unique holiday that honors beard owners and those who appreciate the style and individuality it symbolizes. The history of the celebration of Beard Day originates in Scandinavia, where the beard was associated with strength, endurance and wisdom.

Various events are held during the celebration, such as best beard contests, where participants show off not only length and thickness, but also creativity in creating a variety of hairstyles and patterns.

What a religious holiday today

September 7 in the church calendar is the day of memory of the holy martyr Sozont. He lived in the IV century in Asia Minor and was a shepherd. He is known for his devotion to the Christian faith and courage in the face of persecution. Once in a dream, Jesus Christ appeared to him and called him to martyrdom. After that, Sozontus went to the city of Pompeopol, where he broke the golden idol in the pagan temple and distributed the gold to the poor.

When the pagans discovered the disappearance of part of the idol, they began to persecute the Christians. To save the innocent, Sozont confessed his deed. He was subjected to severe torture, but he remained steadfast in his faith. In the end, he was burned alive in 304.

Read also: Church calendar for September 2024: when we celebrate the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos

What can not be done on this day

  • One should not brag about wealth, happiness and health.
  • You cannot borrow and lend money.
  • It is forbidden to quarrel, to slander.

Folk signs

  • There is a lot of husk on the onion – to a frosty winter;
  • cranes fly slowly and high – wait for a rainy autumn;
  • there are few clouds in the sky – winter will be windy and cold;
  • cones grow low – until the frosty early winter.

Commemorative events of September 7

  • 70 – the Romans capture and plunder Jerusalem;
  • 1792 – the first group of former Zaporozhian Cossacks under the command of Colonel Sava Bily landed in Taman;
  • 1812 – the Battle of Borodino, victorious for the French, takes place between the troops of Napoleon and the Russian Empire;
  • 1822 – The Brazilian Empire declares independence from the Kingdom of Portugal;
  • 1892 – the first professional boxing match under modern rules takes place in the USA – in boxing gloves and with three-minute rounds;
  • 1940 – The Third Reich begins bombing London;
  • 1971 – the kinship and twinning of the cities of Kyiv and Kyoto is announced in Kyiv.

Name day

Andriy, Vasyl, Grigory, Yevgeny, Ivan, Lev, Luka, Makar, Mykhailo, Mykola, Oleksandr, Petro, Stepan are celebrating Angel’s Day today.

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Here are some PAA ⁤(People Also Ask) related questions​ for the title “Celebrating the Day ⁤of Military Intelligence of Ukraine: Honoring Brave Intelligence ​Officers”:

Celebrating the Day of ​Military Intelligence of Ukraine:‍ Honoring​ Brave Intelligence Officers

September ​7 marks a⁣ significant day in Ukraine, celebrated as the Day of Military⁢ Intelligence of Ukraine. This professional holiday was established by the Decree of the ‍President of Ukraine in 2022 to honor ‍the vital ⁤contribution of‌ military intelligence ⁣to the protection of national interests ‌and ⁤the strengthening of the state’s defense capabilities [[3]]. The history of military intelligence in Ukraine dates ⁤back to ⁤1992, when the‌ Office ​of Military Strategic Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense ⁣of Ukraine was established.

The Importance of ⁣Military Intelligence

Ukrainian military scouts have played a crucial role in ensuring the country’s ‍security, ⁣particularly during the conflicts‌ in eastern Ukraine. ⁢Their bravery and expertise ⁢have been instrumental in​ gathering intelligence, predicting enemy movements, and determining the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy. The success of combat operations ⁢depends heavily on the work of scouts, who provide critical insights that inform military strategy and tactics.

The Day of Military Intelligence: A⁣ Tribute to Courage and Sacrifice

The Day of Military Intelligence is a tribute to the courage and sacrifices of Ukraine’s intelligence officers, who risk their lives ‍to ‌gather vital information and protect the nation’s interests. The holiday​ is‌ also an opportunity to recognize‌ the importance of military intelligence in strengthening ⁣Ukraine’s defense capabilities and ensuring its sovereignty.

As the Ministry of‍ Foreign Affairs of Ukraine⁣ tweeted, “Today is ⁢Ukraine’s⁣ Day of Defence Intelligence, an honouring of those whose courage never falter as⁢ they carry​ out missions in Ukraine’s interests” [[1]]. The Military Intelligence of Ukraine also emphasized the significance of the day, stating that “on the Day of​ Ukraine’s Military Intelligence,‌ we honor the extremely important ‌and challenging work of Ukrainian intelligence officers”‍ [[2]].

Other Celebrations on September 7

In ​addition to ‌the Day of Military Intelligence, September 7 is⁣ also celebrated as eSports Day in ⁢Ukraine, International Police Cooperation Day, and World Beard Day. Believers commemorate ‌the day of memory of the holy martyr Sozont.


The Day of⁤ Military Intelligence of ⁣Ukraine is a significant⁢ holiday that honors⁢ the bravery and sacrifices of Ukraine’s intelligence officers. It is a reminder of the importance of military⁤ intelligence ​in protecting‌ national ‍interests and ensuring the country’s⁤ sovereignty. As Ukraine continues to face challenges and threats, the role of military intelligence ⁢will remain crucial in⁣ shaping the country’s‌ defense strategy and ensuring its security.







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