September 6: A Day of Festivities, Traditions, and Mindful Practices

There are green leaves on the bank above, and everything has already fallen below – until early winter and warm spring


September 6 marks the Day of the Administrator of the Center for the Provision of Administrative Services, the Day of Combating Procrastination, and the Day of Reading Books. Believers commemorate the day of memory of the holy archstrategist Michael.

Administrator’s Day of the Administrative Services Center

This holiday was established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 2021. The day is dedicated to the recognition of the professionalism of TsNAP administrators, who ensure a high level of trust of citizens in services provided by authorities.

Administrators of TsNAP play an important role in providing high-quality administrative services to citizens and businesses, helping to solve various life situations.

Employees of the administrative service center have become key points of service for citizens, ensuring the convenience and speed of service delivery. They also help people who have been forced to leave their homes due to hostilities, providing them with the support they need.

Procrastination Day

This day is dedicated to fighting procrastination, which is a common problem in today’s world. Procrastination can lead to various negative consequences, such as reduced productivity, stress and career problems. Therefore, this day reminds us of the importance of organizing time and completing tasks on time.

Day of reading books

There are about 130 million published books. The longest book in the world is “Remembrance of the Past”. The most expensive book in the world is the “Lester Codex”. This day encourages people to read books and spread the love of reading. The purpose of this day is to encourage people to read more and to promote the formation of a reading culture. Every book matters.

Reading reduces stress by 68 percent. By reading just 20 minutes a day, you can read 1.8 million words in a year. At an average of 500 words per page, that means you’ll read 3,600 pages in a year. These are 12 books of 300 pages each. Reading is the fastest way to increase vocabulary.

What a religious holiday today

September 6 in the church calendar – the miracle of archstrategist Michael. It happened in the IV century in the area of ​​Khona (modern Turkey). According to legend, a healing spring was located near the temple built in honor of archstrategist Michael.

One pagan, to whom Archangel Michael appeared in a dream, received a promise that his mute daughter would be healed if she drank water from this spring. And so it happened, after which the man believed, was baptized together with his family and built a temple.

For 60 years, Saint Archippus, who converted many pagans to Christianity, served as a priest in this temple. However, some pagans decided to destroy the temple, directing a stream of water from two mountain rivers on it.

Archippus prayed to the arch-strategist Michael, and he appeared, struck the mountain with his staff, creating a crack into which the flow of water went, saving the temple. This miracle became a symbol of the protection and help of Archangel Michael for all believers.

Read also: Church calendar for September 2024: when we celebrate the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos

What can not be done on this day

  • Do not touch sharp objects that can cut.
  • You should not swear, slander, quarrel.
  • Physical work is prohibited.

Folk signs

  • Fog in the morning – warming will come soon;
  • in the evening, blue clouds in the sky – to a rapid change in the weather;
  • frost is visible on the trees – the winter will be snowy;
  • there are green leaves on the shore above, and everything has already fallen down below – until early winter and warm spring.

Commemorative events of September 6

  • 1770 – the construction of the Oleksandrivsk forestadt begins, from which the city of Oleksandrivsk (now Zaporizhzhia) later grew;
  • 1819 – Thomas Blanchard receives a patent for a lathe;
  • 1852 – the first free library of Great Britain is opened in Manchester;
  • 1873 – they create the Scottish Football Federation, one of the oldest in the world;
  • 1891 – after disembarking from the steamship “Oregon” in the port of Quebec, the natives of Nebylyov Ivan Pylypiv and Vasyl Jelynyak start a wave of Ukrainian emigration to Canada;
  • 1939 – The Third Reich occupies Krakow;
  • 1952 – the World Convention on Copyright is signed in Geneva;
  • 1989 – due to a computer error, 41,000 Parisians received letters informing them that instead of traffic violations, they had committed murders and robberies;
  • 2007 – The National Bank of Ukraine issues a commemorative coin “Ivan Bohun” from the series “Heroes of the Cossack Age”;
  • 2022 – Ukraine’s counteroffensive in the Kharkiv region begins;

Name day

Andriy, Vsevolod, David, Denis, Dmytro, Ivan, Kyrylo, Konstantin, Makar, Mykhailo are celebrating Angel’s Day today.

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Here are some PAA (People Also⁤ Ask) related questions for the title **September 6: A Day of Celebrations and Reflections**:

September 6: A Day ​of Celebrations and Reflections

September 6 is a special day that marks various celebrations, commemorations, and observations around the world. From honoring administrative professionals to fighting procrastination,‌ promoting ⁣reading, and‌ remembering a miraculous⁢ event in the church calendar,‌ this day is‍ filled with significance.

Administrator’s Day of the Administrative Services Center

In Ukraine, September 6 is celebrated‌ as the Day of the ​Administrator of the Center for the Provision of Administrative Services. ​This holiday was‍ established ‌by the Cabinet of ⁤Ministers of Ukraine in 2021 to recognize the professionalism of TsNAP administrators, ‍who play a vital role in providing high-quality​ administrative⁤ services to citizens and businesses [[1]].

Procrastination Day

On this day, people around the world are reminded of the importance of fighting procrastination, a common problem that can lead to

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title: **September 6: A Day of Celebrations and Reflections**:

September 6: A Day of Celebrations and Reflections

Table of Contents

  1. Administrator’s Day of the Administrative Services Center
  2. Procrastination Day
  3. Day of Reading Books
  4. What a Religious Holiday Today
  5. What Can Not Be Done on This Day
  6. Folk Signs
  7. Commemorative Events of September 6
  8. Name Day

Administrator’s Day of the Administrative Services Center

September 6 marks the Day of the Administrator of the Center for the Provision of Administrative Services, a holiday established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 2021. This day is dedicated to the recognition of the professionalism of TsNAP administrators, who ensure a high level of trust of citizens in services provided by authorities. Administrators of TsNAP play an important role in providing high-quality administrative services to citizens and businesses, helping to solve various life situations. Employees of the administrative service center have become key points of service for citizens, ensuring the convenience and speed of service delivery. They also help people who have been forced to leave their homes due to hostilities, providing them with the support they need.

Procrastination Day

This day is dedicated to fighting procrastination, a common problem in today’s world.



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