September 5, 1994: Mayor of Vienna and state governor Helmut Zilk nominates SPÖ state party leader Michael Häupl as his successor

2024-09-04 22:57:36

On Thursday, September 5, the history books recorded:

1514: Sultan Selim I conquered the Persian city of Tabriz.
1774: Representatives from the 13 American colonies gathered in Philadelphia for the First Continental Congress. They called for civil disobedience against England.
1899: Christine Hardt from Dresden patented her development of a “women’s camisole as a breast strap”, a precursor to the bra.
1914: World War I: Britain, France and Russia agreed not to make separate peace in the Triple Entente of London.
1914: The German offensive in France was halted by a French counteroffensive.
1929: At the League of Nations meeting in Geneva, French Prime Minister Aristide Briand proposed a plan for a “United States of Europe” (Customs and Economic Union).
1934: In Nuremberg, Hitler chaired the National Socialist Party’s “Triumph of the Will” meeting (recorded in the work of Leni Riefenstahl). “There will be no more revolutions in Germany for the next thousand years,” he explained.
1939: In Poland, the Germans captured the Graudenz Fortress and the cities of Bromberg, Katowice, and Königscheng. The United States declared neutrality in the war that broke out on September 1.
1944: The Soviet Union declares war on Bulgaria. Soviet troops began their invasion, and the Sofia government called for a ceasefire on the same day.
1949: Greek Civil War: After fierce fighting, the Royal Army conquers Vitsi and Gramos massifs, the last strongholds of the communist guerrillas. About 5,000 guerrillas fled across the border into Albania.
1994: The World Population Conference opens in Cairo. The purpose of the conference is to find ways to deal with global population growth. The Vatican and some Islamic countries strongly oppose birth control.
1994: Helmut Zilk, mayor of Vienna and state governor, has nominated Michael Häupl, state party chairman of the Social Citizens Party (SPÖ), as his successor.

Birthday: Caspar David Friedrich, German painter (1774-1840); Wilhelm Graetzer, Austrian silver coin. Composer (1914-1993); Ricardo de la Espriella Toral, 37th President of Panama, 1982-1984 (1934); Clay Regazzoni, Switzerland . Racing driver (1939-2006); George Lazenby, Australian. Costume Maker and Actor (James Bond 1969) (1939); Gverdel, Switzerland. Author (1944-2017); Pat McQuaid, former Irish cyclist (1949); Frank Schirrmacher, German journalist; FAZ co-editor (1959-2014); Joseph Penninger, Eastern Geneticist; Director of IMBA 2002-2018 (1964).
Days to death: Pieter Breegel D. Dutch painter (1525/30-1569); Giovanni Giuliani, Italian sculptor (1663-1744); Lothar Müthel, German actor and theater director (nA September 4) (1896-1964); Wenzel Lüdecke, German film producer (1917-1989); Walter Rehl, Eastern chamber music and film actor (1922-1999); Karel Černý, Czech production designer; Oscar winner (1922- 2014); Anne Felbermeier, Austrian opera singer (1924-2014); Francisco Toledo, Mexican painter (1940-2019).
Name day: Rosvita, Albert, Laurentius, Justus, Heracles, Bertin, Gerald, Maria Theresa, Hermine, David.

#September #Mayor #Vienna #state #governor #Helmut #Zilk #nominates #SPÖ #state #party #leader #Michael #Häupl #successor



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