September 11, 2024: Reimagining Today’s News Landscape

Felix Tshisekedi‘s reaction to the events in Makala has interested the newspapers published this Wednesday in Kinshasa. Addressing the subject, The Daily indicated that the President of the Republic expressed his deep sadness for
the lives lost and expressed his sincere condolences to the families of the victims following the extremely serious escape attempt
at the Kinshasa Penitentiary Rehabilitation Center (CPRK), formerly Makala Central Prison, on the night of September 1 to 2, 2024.

Africanews as for him indicated that the first
citizen of the country subsequently condemned this unacceptable event, recalling that “all human life is sacred” and that, as such, it deserves his full attention. This, before instructing the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the Interior, Security, Decentralization and Customary Affairs, Jacquemain Shabani, and the Minister of State in charge of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Constant Mutamba, to take all necessary measures to complete the full restoration of order at the CPRK.

Also speaking about this matter, Prosperity said that the President of the Republic called on the government to proceed with the establishment of a framework for reflection on the mechanisms for creating a national prison intelligence service capable of preventing such tragedies.


Validation of the national tourism policy

In another register, the newspapers published this Wednesday, the case of Evening Newsaddressed the opening of the forum on the validation of the national tourism policy.

In this regard, the tabloid reports that the National Tourism Policy Validation Forum is taking place at Béatrice Hotel from September 10 to 12 of the current year. And that the Minister of Tourism Didier Mpambia wants to boost this sector so that it produces revenues of around 7 billion each year by 2030. Compared to other African countries
whose tourism sectors contribute 10, 9, 8 and 7 percent to the GDP of their nations.


Emongo Gerome

2024-09-11 09:10:28
#Press #review #Wednesday #September #

What measures is President Felix Tshisekedi ‌proposing to improve the prison system in response to the recent events ​at Makala?

Felix Tshisekedi’s Reaction to the Events in Makala: A Call for Action and Reflection

In the wake of the recent events at the Kinshasa​ Penitentiary Rehabilitation Center (CPRK), formerly Makala Central Prison, President Felix Tshisekedi has expressed his deep sadness and condolences to the families of the victims. The attempted escape on the night of September 1 to 2, 2024, resulted in a significant loss of life, with reports indicating that ⁢129 people were killed in the ‍incident [[2]].

Condemnation ​and Call to Action

In response to the incident, President Tshisekedi condemned the event, stating that “all human life is sacred” and deserving of his full attention [[1]]. He⁤ instructed the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the Interior, Security, Decentralization and Customary Affairs, Jacquemain Shabani,‍ and the Minister of State in charge of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Constant Mutamba, to take all necessary measures to restore order at the​ CPRK [[1]].

Furthermore, the President called on the government to ⁣establish a framework for‍ reflection on⁢ the mechanisms ⁣for creating a national prison intelligence service capable of preventing such ⁣tragedies in the future [[1]]. This move is seen as a significant step towards addressing the concerns surrounding the country’s prison system.

Previous Incidents⁢ and Concerns

Unfortunately, this​ is not the first incident of its ⁢kind in Makala prison. In February 2023, it ⁤was reported that 66 inmates had died in two months at the prison, raising concerns about the humanitarian situation and human rights record‍ of the facility [[3]]. The incident ‌highlights the need for urgent reform and attention to the country’s prison⁣ system.

National Tourism Policy Validation Forum

In a separate ‌development, the National Tourism Policy Validation⁣ Forum is taking⁣ place at Béatrice Hotel from September 10 ‍to 12, 2024. The Minister of Tourism, Didier Mpambia, aims to boost the sector to⁣ produce revenues of around 7 ‍billion each year by 2030,‍ comparable ‍to ​other African countries where tourism contributes significantly to their GDP [[4]].


The recent ⁢events in Makala prison​ have sparked⁣ a⁢ necessary conversation about ​the state of the country’s prison system and the need for reform. President Tshisekedi’s reaction to the incident has been swift ⁢and decisive, calling for action and reflection on the mechanisms in place to prevent such tragedies. As the country moves‍ forward, it is essential to prioritize human life ⁣and dignity, ensuring ​that such‍ incidents do not recur.





Evening News [[4]]

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Felix Tshisekedi’s Reaction to the Events in Makala: A Moment of Sadness and Reflection

On September 1-2, 2024, a tragic incident occurred at the Kinshasa Penitentiary Rehabilitation Center (CPRK), formerly known as Makala Central Prison, resulting in the loss of numerous lives. The President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Felix Tshisekedi, has expressed his deep sadness and condolences to the families of the victims.

According to The Daily, President Tshisekedi condemned the unacceptable event, emphasizing that “all human life is sacred” and deserves his full attention [[1]]. He instructed the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the Interior, Security, Decentralization and Customary Affairs, Jacquemain Shabani, and the Minister of State in charge of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Constant Mutamba, to take all necessary measures to complete the full restoration of order at the CPRK.

Africanews reported that President Tshisekedi called on the government to establish a framework for reflection on the mechanisms for creating a national prison intelligence service capable of preventing such tragedies [[2]]. This incident has highlighted the need for improved security measures in the country’s prisons.

The event has also sparked concern about the overall state of the country’s prison system. Prior to this incident, Al Jazeera reported that 66 inmates had died in two months at Makala prison, raising questions about the conditions and treatment of prisoners in the country [[3]].

In the midst of this tragedy, President Tshisekedi’s reaction has been one of reflection and determination to prevent such incidents in the future. His commitment to improving the country’s prison system and ensuring the safety of its citizens is a crucial step towards building a more secure and stable society.

In other news, the National Tourism Policy Validation Forum is taking place at Béatrice Hotel from September 10 to 12, 2024. The Minister of Tourism, Didier Mpambia, aims to boost the sector to produce revenues of around 7 billion each year by 2030, comparable to other African countries whose tourism sectors contribute significantly to their GDP.

As the country navigates this challenging moment, the President’s reaction to the Makala incident serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing the safety and well-being of all citizens, while also focusing on economic development and growth.





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