Seo Dong-ju and Kim Jong-yeol cried at Seo Se-won’s funeral.

On the morning of May 2, Seo Dong-joo, the daughter of the late comedian and businessman Seo Se-won, mourned at the funeral held at the Asan Medical Center Funeral Home in Songpa-gu, Seoul. (Joint report) Photo = News 1. Broadcaster and lawyer Seo Dong-joo addressed the funeral of her late father, the comedian Seo Se-won, and promised, “I will live my life with a grateful heart.” On the 21st, Seo Dong-joo appeared on MBC’s “Radio Star” and spoke about the challenging year she faced following Seo Se-won’s passing. She said, “My father passed away, but it was not an ordinary death; it was a mysterious one.”

Seo Dong-joo disclosed, “On the day of my father’s funeral, my 16-year-old dog died. After my father’s passing, I held a dog funeral while my mother struggled with cancer.”

“Many people attended my father’s funeral, and I remember each of their faces. I will spend the rest of my life with the mindset of repaying their kindness,” she said, also mentioning how Kim Jong-yeol received harsh criticism after he joyfully danced at Seo Se-won’s funeral.

Seo Dong-joo remarked, “There were also malicious comments. I was present at that moment. When he danced, it wasn’t funny at all, and I cried.” She added, “It was like high art. When I danced to honor my father, the emotions were overwhelming.” “We all cried together and were hurt by the negative comments,” she explained.

In the footage from that moment, Kim Jong-yeol danced confidently and encouraged, “Go lightly, don’t be stiff,” evoking tears from the attendees.

Singer Ji Eun-sook TV video shooting

Screenshot of singer Ji Eun-sook’s TV video. On April 20, 2023, news of Seo Se-won’s death unexpectedly emerged from Cambodia. He reportedly died of shock while receiving an intravenous injection at a hospital in Phnom Penh, raising various suspicions about the circumstances of his death. Despite being known to have chronic illnesses, he passed away mysteriously at the age of 67, leaving his local family behind. Since disappearing in 2014 during an attack on his wife, Seo Jeong-hee, he had been living as a pastor and businessman in Cambodia. His wife and 8-year-old daughter were also present.

SBS’s “I Want to Know,” which aired last May, focused on the events that unfolded at Future Hospital in Cambodia following Seo Se-won’s death.

In regards to his death, Cambodian police announced that the cause was cardiac arrest due to complications from diabetes, stating he died of shock while receiving intravenous vitamins.

However, the day after Mr. Seo’s death, an online news outlet reported that a vial of the psychiatric drug propofol and a syringe, apparently used for the drug, were found at the hospital where he died, heightening public suspicion surrounding his death.

The investigating agency stated that none of the items collected from the hospital were linked to propofol, while Chandra, the nurse who administered the injection to Mr. Seo on the day of his death, claimed he was injected with vitamins, sodium chloride solution, and two bottles of propofol.

Image = News 1

Photo = News 1. Mr. Seo’s family requested a blood test and autopsy, but they hastily cremated his body, citing poor conditions that made the procedures impossible.

The nurse who claimed to have injected Mr. Seo before his death came in for an interview the day of the incident and stated that she administered the injection because she thought Mr. Seo’s request was a test. Mr. Seo, Director Jin, and three other Cambodian staff were also present. She revealed that she, Mr. Seo, and the driver were in the treatment room at the time when the injection was administered, acting as an interpreter.

The nurse asserted, “The driver explained that the white medication bottle contained a sleeping pill, which Mr. Seo used to take two to three times a week. When I looked at his arm, I could see the area where he had actually received the injection.”

However, anesthesiologists concluded that it would take ten injections to administer two bottles of propofol with the syringe the nurse claimed to have used, stating, “Death would be apparent before the tenth injection.”

A forensic scientist explained that even with the correct dosage, propofol can lead to respiratory arrest and hypotension, and that typically, 100 milliliters is sufficient to induce sleep. He also claimed that the quantity indicated by the nurse was excessively dangerous, as even a minor amount could result in a perilous situation without expert monitoring.

Some circumstances have further fueled suspicions that Mr. Seo’s death may have been orchestrated.

At that time, the embassy stated that Mr. Seo’s case contained personal information and could not be disclosed to anyone other than the deceased’s family, yet it emerged that even the family remained unaware of the specific details of the matter.

The hospital, which opened in August 2019 and was bustling with senior officials on its opening day, later reported that three South Koreans had died there under similar circumstances. reporter Lee Meena

Tragic Farewell: The Life and Mysterious Death of Seo Se-won

The Loss of a Beloved Comedian

Seo Dong-joo mourning at the funeral

On May 2, 2023, Seo Dong-joo, the daughter of the late comedian and businessman Seo Se-won, expressed profound grief during her father’s funeral held at Asan Medical Center in Songpa District, Seoul. In her moment of mourning, Seo Dong-joo promised, “I will spend my life with a grateful heart,” reaffirming her dedication to honoring her father’s legacy.

A Year of Heartache

During an appearance on MBC’s “Radio Star,” Seo Dong-joo opened up about the past year, marking it as one of the most challenging periods of her life following her father’s unexpected death. She described it as not just an ordinary loss but a ‘mysterious death,’ hinting at the strange circumstances surrounding his passing. “On the day of my father’s funeral, my 16-year-old dog died,” she recounted, indicating a year filled with deep personal losses.

The Funeral: A Reflective Moment

Thousands attended Seo Se-won’s funeral, paying their respects. Among those present, Kim Jong-yeol, a close friend, displayed a dance that sparked controversy amidst the grieving atmosphere. Seo Dong-joo conveyed her feelings about the moment, stating that while it was not appropriate for laughter, the performance was infused with heartfelt respect for her father. “It was like high art,” she remarked, emphasizing the cathartic nature of the performance despite the scrutiny it faced online.

Seo Se-won’s Mysterious Death

Seo Se-won’s death came as a shock to many when reports surfaced on April 20, 2023, that he had passed away in Cambodia. Official reports indicated that he died from cardiac arrest induced by complications related to diabetes. However, this explanation was met with skepticism, as the circumstances surrounding his death raised numerous questions.

Timeline of Events Leading to His Death

Date Event
2014 Seo Se-won disappears amid family turmoil.
2023-04-20 Seo Se-won dies in a Cambodian hospital.
2023-05 Funeral held in Seoul; Seo Dong-joo speaks out on her father’s death.

Unanswered Questions Surrounding His Death

Reports surfaced that a vial of the psychiatric drug propofol was found at the Cambodian hospital where Seo Se-won died. While hospital authorities claimed these items were not linked to his death, investigations continued. The nurse involved in his treatment alleged that she injected him with vitamins and sodium chloride, suggesting the presence of propofol was misreported.

Medical Speculations

Medical experts weighed in on the implications of propofol use, stating that the need for substantial medical oversight makes its improper use highly dangerous. “Even a small amount could lead to respiratory arrest,” noted a forensic scientist. The discrepancies in accounts and lack of a thorough investigation added to the mounting public suspicion.

The Immediate Aftermath

Though Seo Se-won’s family requested an autopsy to clarify the causes of death, the body was cremated shortly after, limiting further investigation. The embassy’s assertions regarding the sensitivity of Seo’s case left many confused and concerned regarding potential foul play.

Emotional Impact on Family and Friends

The unexpected nature of Seo Se-won’s death has caused distress not only for his family, particularly his daughter Seo Dong-joo but also for friends and colleagues. Seo Dong-joo spoke to the media, voicing her frustrations. “We didn’t even know the specific details of the case from the embassy,” she lamented, showcasing the tight-lipped nature of the investigation.

Community Response

The peculiar circumstances of Seo Se-won’s death evoked mixed reactions within the community. People expressed their shock and sadness, but many also clamored for transparency regarding the incident.

The Legacy of Seo Se-won

Despite the turbulent end to his life, Seo Se-won’s legacy as a comedian and businessman remains significant. He touched the lives of many, leaving behind a rich tapestry of memories, laughter, and an impactful career.

Remembering the Good Times

Seo Dong-joo, in one of her interviews, emphasized her commitment to honoring her father’s memory and the lessons learned throughout the ordeal. She expressed gratitude to those who came to support them during such a tragic time and vowed to carry his spirit forward in her life.



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