Sentenced to Violate Ethics, Ghufron Resigns to KPK Capim Selection

Nurul Ghufron at the KPK Supervisory Board Office, South Jakarta, Friday (6/9/2024).(Medcom/Candra)

Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron has surrendered his nomination process in the selection of candidates for the leadership of the anti-corruption agency after he was found guilty of a moderate ethical violation for interfering in the employee mutation process at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan).

“I leave it to the KPK Selection Committee, so I am not in the authority to answer. I maintain their independence (the selection committee), to of course accommodate all information about my profile,” said Ghufron at the KPK Supervisory Board Office, South Jakarta, Friday (6/9/2024).

The KPK Supervisory Board stated that Ghufron committed an ethical violation because he interfered in the employee mutation process at the Ministry of Agriculture. Ghufron was proven to have violated Article 4 paragraph (2) letter b in Supervisory Board Regulation Number 3 of 2021 concerning Enforcement of the KPK Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.

“Imposing a moderate sanction on the person being investigated (Ghufron) in the form of a written warning,” said Chairman of the Ethics Council, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean at the KPK Supervisory Board Office, Friday (6/9/2024).

The punishment was given so that the former academic would not repeat similar behavior. “(Then) so that those examined as KPK leaders always maintain attitudes and behavior by obeying and implementing the code of ethics and code of behavior,” said Tumpak.

The KPK Supervisory Board also imposed a 20% income cut penalty on Ghufron. The decision is valid for six months. (Can/P-3)

#Sentenced #Violate #Ethics #Ghufron #Resigns #KPK #Capim #Selection



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