Sensation Team is surprised at itself

2023-10-16 02:20:00

Probably not even the boldest optimists expected that the SPG Wallern/St. Marienkirchen mastered the task of the regional league after being promoted as runner-up in the Upper Austrian league as well as is currently the case. After the 4-2 win against Weiz, the team from Trattnachtal is in third place in the table. “To be honest, we didn’t expect such a great start ourselves. We already knew that we had a lot of potential in the team, but we all thought we would be somewhere in the middle of the league,” reveals sports director Albert Huspek also knows the reasons for the current strong performance. “In addition to the high individual quality, the team spirit is particularly important. Everyone in the team gives everything for the man next to them. The boys really feel at home with us. When putting together the team, a lot of emphasis was placed on the character of the players. That’s what makes pays off.” Coach Horst Haidacher is also a big factor in the success. “He works very meticulously and conscientiously. This is well received by the players. Thomas Weißenböck also has a lot of additional expertise on board,” emphasizes the 59-year-old.

No financial injection from Grad

In any case, you don’t regret taking the step to the higher performance level. Huspek sharply rejects rumors that Franz Grad, the patron of the Upper Austrian league team Oedt, had “persuaded” the club to promote with a dizzying check. Recently, there have been repeated reports that it was a high six-figure amount: “Mr. Grad and his company are a completely normal sponsor for us. But not just since the summer, but for many years. The sums, I can deny the rumors that keep coming up.”


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#Sensation #Team #surprised

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