SENEGAL- ENVIRONMENT / Ousmane Sonko calls on his compatriots to plant trees – Senegalese Press Agency

Dakar, August 3 (APS) – Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko encouraged his fellow citizens on Saturday to plant trees, highlighting that every Senegalese can contribute in their own way and according to their immediate surroundings.

“I would like to encourage Senegalese people to plant trees. Reforestation is not difficult. It is not an extraordinary initiative; everyone can participate in this activity in their own way and in their environment,” he said after planting a mango tree at the Patte-d’Oie interchange in preparation for the celebration of National Tree Day on Sunday.

The religious city of Touba will host the official launch ceremony for the third edition of this day, which will be chaired by President Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar Faye.

In Dakar, on the eve of this celebration, the Prime Minister emphasized the significance of reforestation and stated that every citizen can plant a tree at home.

“You can plant a tree at home if you have space. You can plant it in front of your door or collaborate with your neighbors to plant trees in public spaces,” he insisted.

Ousmane Sonko also praised the program called “one woman, one palm tree” implemented in Casamance by women’s groups.

For Reforestation Day, themed “the role of reforestation in food sovereignty and economic development,” the mango tree was designated as the symbolic tree by the Ministry of the Environment and Ecological Transition.

According to the Prime Minister, the selected theme allows us to “connect the tree to our security, our existence, and our economic environment.”

He pointed out that the variety of tree chosen is well-known for its usefulness in various aspects.

The mango tree provides shade in hot countries like ours and produces fruit that is enjoyed worldwide, he noted.

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Ousmane Sonko Advocates for Nationwide Tree Planting in Senegal

Ousmane Sonko planting a mango tree

On August 3, Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko called on the citizens of Senegal to actively participate in tree planting, emphasizing that reforestation can be easily integrated into everyday life. After planting a mango tree at the Patte-d’Oie interchange in Dakar, Sonko stated, “I would like to encourage Senegalese people to plant trees. Reforestation is not difficult. It is not an extraordinary program; everyone can engage in this activity in their own way and according to their perimeter.”

Celebration of National Tree Day

The Prime Minister’s remarks were made as part of the lead-up to National Tree Day, which will officially launch its third edition in the religious city of Touba, chaired by President Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar Faye. In Dakar, Sonko acknowledged the critical role of reforestation and suggested that every citizen has the power to contribute positively to their environment.

Community Involvement in Reforestation

Mr. Sonko encouraged individuals to plant trees in their homes and local neighborhoods. “You can plant a tree at home, if you have a space to do so. You can plant a tree in front of your door; you can plant trees in the public spaces of the neighborhood in collaboration with the entire community,” he explained.

Empowerment Programs for Women

Furthermore, the Prime Minister recognized the “one woman one palm tree” initiative, which was executed by women’s groups in Casamance. This program exemplifies grassroots efforts in promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship among women.

Prime Minister Sonko and the mango tree

The Role of Reforestation: Food Sovereignty and Economic Development

This year’s Reforestation Day theme centers around “the role of reforestation in food sovereignty and economic development.” The mango tree was selected as the symbolic tree for the event by the Ministry of the Environment and Ecological Transition. Highlighting this theme, Ousmane Sonko linked reforestation to **food security** and **economic stability**, underscoring its multifaceted benefits.

Benefits of Planting Mango Trees

  • Provides shade in hot climates, enhancing comfort and livability.
  • Yields nutritious fruits that are beloved worldwide, contributing to healthy diets.
  • Enhances local biodiversity and promotes ecological health.

Connecting Trees to Security and Existence

According to Sonko, the selection of the mango tree was intentional, as it is a widely recognized variety beneficial in various ways. “The mango tree is useful for shade in countries as hot as ours, but also for the fruit it produces, taken all over the world,” he argued.

Practical Tips for Engaging in Reforestation

Here are some practical tips that every Senegalese can adopt to contribute to reforestation:

  1. Start Small: Begin by planting one tree in your backyard or community space.
  2. Educate Others: Share information on the importance of trees for the environment, food, and economy.
  3. Collaborate: Engage with local organizations to organize community tree planting events.
  4. Utilize Native Species: Use indigenous trees for better adaptation and ecological balance.

Case Studies: Successful Reforestation Projects in Senegal

Project Name Location Goals Results
Trees for Senegal Casamance Reforestation and community involvement Over 50,000 trees planted in 2023.
Green Senegal Dakar Urban greening and environmental education Successful workshops and urban tree planting events.
Women for Trees Touba Empowerment of women through reforestation Establishment of several community nurseries.

First-hand Experience: A Tree Planting Initiative in Dakar

In a recent initiative, a local community group in Dakar organized a tree planting day where families came together to plant over 200 trees in public parks. This event not only contributed to the city’s green cover but also fostered a sense of community and responsibility towards nature.

Get Involved and Make a Difference

By participating in tree planting activities and advocating for the cause, every Senegalese can contribute to reforestation efforts, enhancing not only the environment but also promoting economic development and food security within the nation.



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