Senave intensifies control to prevent entry of tomato rugosus virus

Senave intensifies control to prevent entry of tomato rugosus virus

Asunción, IP Agency.- Given the potential entry of the Tomato Rugose Virus, absent in Paraguay, the National Service of Plant and Seed Quality and Health (Senave) intensifies control actions at entry points and trains technicians who assist producers on their farms. . They advocate for the implementation of biosafety protocols on farms.

In this context, the president of Senave, Pastor Soria Melo, reported that the institution is dedicated to preventive activities, which include training sessions, as well as joint work with technicians from the Directorate of Agrarian Extension, with whom sampling is carried out. in production areas.

So far, the presence of the virus has not been detected in the field, according to the analyzes of all the samples obtained, Senave clarified.

“We are intensifying controls at the Inspection Point Offices, mainly on the border with Argentina, to determine the presence or not of the virus, and if fruits with severe symptoms are detected, they will be rejected, because this disease affects quality, taking into account our current regulations,” he pointed out.

He added that importers have been recommended to take the necessary precautions during commercial operations, verifying quality and health at origin, so as not to have problems at the border in the event of potential rejection.

Regarding the protocol for detecting the virus in the Senave laboratories, he recalled that it was possible to implement the analysis methodology, using real-time and conventional RT-PCR molecular techniques, according to the standards of the EPPO, the European plant protection authority.

In addition, he highlighted the support of Senasa and the National Institute of Agricultural Technology of Argentina, where Paraguayan technicians went to train to make methodological adjustments for the diagnosis of the virus in our country.

The Rugose Virus is a threat to tomatoes and locotes, so SENAVE urges to protect establishments by implementing biosafety protocols: Avoid handling plants without gloves; wash your hands before and following arrival and upon departure from the pitch; use disinfected accessories and clothing; Avoid access to people outside the cultivation.

The disease spreads rapidly and is characterized by yellow spots and spots on fruits, brown spots and narrowing of leaves, and widespread dwarfing of tomato plants.

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2024-05-12 05:34:43

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