Senatur and TV Cámara sign agreement for tourism promotion

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The National Secretariat of Tourism (Senatur) and the Chamber of Deputies, through its TV Cámara channel, signed a cooperation agreement for the promotion of Paraguay’s tourist attractions.

The document was signed by Minister Angie Duarte and the President of the Lower House, Raúl Latorre. The head of Senatur highlighted that the agreement will allow the display of audiovisual tourism materials for this promotional work.

He pointed out that TV Cámara has a national reach, which will allow it to reach all Paraguayans and make the country’s attractions known.

“Through this link we will also be able to make known to the world all the activities we are working on,” such as the Youth Tourism programs, the promotion of Paraguayan gastronomy and the promotion of rural and community tourism.

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Raúl Latorre, said that the institution’s intention is to turn the channel into a tool for promoting tourism. “It is important to continue developing public policies that strengthen this view of who we are and what we can give, what we can show to the world.”

#Senatur #Cámara #sign #agreement #tourism #promotion
2024-08-13 05:55:42



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