Senator Verónica Camino Farjat: Social Programs and Community Development in Yucatán

2023-07-29 23:36:17

Social programs are essential for the development and well-being of communities, and the authorities should not use them as a means of pressure or to divide citizens, pointed out the senator of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), Verónica Camino Farjat.

The senator for Yucatán came to the municipality of Buctzotz to answer the call of the citizens, listen to their requirements and seek, together with them, alternatives that allow solving the lack of services in which the Xbec and Santo Domingo police stations are located.

In Santo Domingo, the residents expressed the urgency of having medical attention and an ambulance, as well as public lighting, a drinking water system in optimal conditions and paved streets, since the police station is behind schedule by state and municipal authorities.

To join the voices of the citizens of that commissioner, the federal legislator indicated that she will present a point of agreement in the Senate of the Republic to call on the authorities to attend to the community, and guarantee that they are granted basic services.

The Senator, originally from Tizimín, pointed out that part of her work as a Senator and representative of the Yucatecans in the Congress of the Union is to visit the communities to listen to the problems of the citizens, verify the conditions in which they find themselves and propose solutions in unity .

He stressed that health care is a social right, in the case of Yucatan the federal government is building a new O’Horan hospital to allow access to second level medical services for more Yucatecans.

“The works that are in process in Yucatán, the scholarship programs, Sembrando Vida, Producción para el Bienestar and the universal pension, which the Federal Government grants, occur because President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assumed the responsibility of having an administration with austerity, to save and directly deliver support to Mexicans”, he stressed.

Verónica Camino, explained that with the exercise of austerity the resources are applied correctly in the designated item and misuse is avoided.

During his visit to the Xbec police station, he spoke with the citizens regarding the work he does as a representative of Yucatan in the Senate, to decide what will be done in the country and how the laws are going to change, to give the opportunity for well-being to more Mexicans, among other important actions.

In this community, where a large number of inhabitants dedicate themselves to fishing seasonally, they asked him for his management to start the process of demarcating the common area of ​​the land, to access the Sowing Life and Production for Well-being program, which promotes the Federal government.

“With this program, which includes the planting of fruit trees, those who dedicate themselves to fishing will be able to count on income to support their families in the cycles where there is no fishing activity,” he said.

Women and young people, he stressed, will also have the opportunity to be included in these programs, to make better use of the land.

#Social #programs #essential #development #wellbeing #communities #VCF



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