2023-07-08 17:03:00
Senator Iván Moreira (UDI) referred in conversation with CHV News to the Agreements Case and the siege surrounding the government. The legislator defended that the pdte. Gabriel Boric made the tour and argued that “one cannot hit the president for everythingBecause people don’t believe you. In addition, he compared this episode of questioned allocations with other cases, including the irregular financing of politics. “Caval and Penta are babies with what we are seeing today, because the money that was stolen belongs to all Chileans. The other money for campaigns was from private individuals, ”he said. He even pointed out that “I did not commit any crime, because it was not a crime. What I did was commit an irregularity and I had to pay a fine”.
#Iván #Moreira #Caso #Convenios #Caval #Penta #infants #today