Senator Bert Anciaux’s Presidential Ambitions and the Future of the Senate: Exploring the Rumors and Implications

2023-10-10 12:22:00

It is said that Senator Bert Anciaux (Vooruit) wants to become president in place of Stéphanie D’Hose (Open VLD). That’s the rumor going around. And this is what the Flemish socialist senator would have indicated to several group leaders.

In the corridors, it is whispered that the credibility of the Flemish liberal had been seriously damaged after her statements calling for the parliamentary body to be abolished. His assertions that all parties agreed with his desire to review the role of the Senate clearly did not correspond with the facts. Several parties actually disagreed with this proposal.

The MR is one of those most opposed to this desire to abolish the Senate. The VLD’s sister party sees the Senate as a central tool for preserving federal unity. To tackle it is to put a foot in the fragmentation of Belgium, we hear among the Reformers.

Running in the middle of a legislature to overthrow the current presidency is unheard of.

It is difficult to determine at this stage what the outcome of this sequence will be since the votes are secret. If some do not believe that Stéphanie D’Hose could lose her position, others do not completely rule out the possibility that there could be a shift.

“Given the extent to which Stephanie D’Hose has torpedoed the institution, this would only be a fair return,” we are told.

It should be noted that the agenda was lightened in order to allow senators to participate in their activities in regional parliamentary assemblies. “Partocracy might not work,” we are told.

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