Senator Antonio Trevisi moves to the blue group –

From the 5 Star Movement to Forza. Senator Antonio Trevisi joins the blue group in the Senate “taking on operational functions in the Apulian territory”, according to a note from the party. “Forza Italia has always been open to innovative proposals that are useful for our country and, in Parliament, Senator Trevisi has proven to be very constructive and collaborative with the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE), asking to implement the energy income at a national level – writes the FI group in the Senate – This is an initiative that started in Puglia, a few years ago, thanks to a regional law first signed by Trevisi himself, which aims to reduce the cost of bills, thanks to the installation of non-repayable photovoltaic systems on the roofs of houses. Also thanks to the commitment of the Minister of the Environment, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, the energy income has become a national reality in all respects. In just a few days, the 100 million euros made available for this year were used up and the lion’s share were mainly from the regions of Southern Italy, from where over 10,500 requests for access to the 100% non-repayable incentives arrived. We also appreciated the skills of Senator Trevisi who, previously, served as Energy Manager of the University of Salento and obtained a PhD in Energy Systems and Environment. Also thanks to the commitment of Senator Trevisi, through our parliamentary group, we want to increase the funds to support national energy income in the next budget and extend this measure to other families and other businesses”.

Trevisi explained in a Facebook post: “Unfortunately, over the last year, the experience in Parliament has turned out to be completely different from what I imagined and I now feel it is essential to overcome this situation of discomfort and stalemate, due to the political crisis that the Movement is going through and to which I have tried to remedy by putting forward innovative proposals; however, it was preferred to focus on an opposition that is an end in itself”. “For these reasons, I have decided to accept the proposal to become the regional energy manager of Forza Italia, a party that has proven to be very attentive to the initiatives I have promoted, such as the national energy income. A law that I have already implemented in Puglia in the role of Regional Councilor and then shared and implemented immediately in this legislature with the competent ministry”, the post reads.

#Senator #Antonio #Trevisi #moves #blue #group #Tempo
2024-08-07 20:25:58



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