Senator Abdullah in the Eye of the Storm: Scandals and Deceit Challenge His Legacy

2024-09-07 20:16:00

Official Senator and President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Bartolome Abdullahreceived two complaints less than a week after admitting There are 20 consultants dedicated to preparing his gubernatorial candidacy saint louis. a liberal leader accused him Forged membership records defended his party in the province, while a second complaint cited his alleged embezzlement Manage the event.

Diego Barsano,President liberal party Initiated by the province of Junin and one of the founders of the space, which was launched in the province in 2018, it was assured that Abdullah had established false affiliations, deceased persons and others without their consentfor political groups. Furthermore, he describes it as “Pure Caste” And said he was “an ordinary opportunist.”

On the other hand, the second complaint was filed on Friday by a former economic criminal judge. Guillermo TisconiaThe liberal senator admitted to using his congressional advisers to work on his campaign for governor of St. Louis, his home province. Tisconia insisted, “Taking advantage of services paid for by defrauded countries”.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

Bartolome Abdullah had 20 advisors, one of whom was the daughter of Adolfo Rodriguez Sa’a

Bartolome Abdullah condemned for forging liberal party

lawyer for libertarian balsano, Damian Buenowarned Abdullah that he had falsified affiliations and had “a list of auctioneers nominated to compete, which he copied and pasted in its entirety, Wrong signing”. “One of the people noticed this and complained. The person who verified the signature said she only received the completed form and signed it. That said, doesn’t prove anything”, he elaborated to Clarín.

Likewise, he guaranteed federal judges with elective jurisdiction Juan Esteban Makeda He was Abdullah’s ‘lifelong friend’ Cases started in 2022 have been stopped. He emphasized: “Under the protection of Judge Makeda, he is sleeping the dream of a hero.” In this sense, Balsano even filed a complaint again “threaten” The complaint was filed after approval by pro-government senators.

Senator Bartolome Abdullah and President Javier Milley.

However, the underlying struggle is over who can keep the name liberal party. That’s because St. Louis has two electoral courts: a provincial electoral court and a federal electoral court. Abdullah is registered at the federal judicial district level. But if the provincial seal made before is not affixed, problems will arise.

“Abdullah might change his name to freedom and progresswhich is the label they are creating now, and this issue has been resolved. But what he pieced together was full of irregularities. The same thing happened in (Lourdes) Arrieta In Santa Fe, that’s why they fired her. It’s a burden and it taints the game“Barsano said.

Senator among 20 advisers accused of embezzlement

It’s been a difficult week for Abdullah, who also received a letter of suspicion “Misappropriation of public funds”presented by Tisconia, a former economic criminal case judge. According to him, using 20 consultants to prepare a campaign is a “illegal conduct” for “distorted use of these jobs or services.”

Senators among 20 advisers like Maduro: Bartolome Abdullah’s unusual video on fires in his province

Tisconia recalls ‘honest killing’ of liberal senator on TV, admits “Some of his advisers work in St. Louis” Because he aspires to be governor. According to the introduction, these employees will not provide “any legislative consulting services” but will instead be assigned to “Doing politics” In the province of Puntana, Abdullah aims to achieve his wish.

The complaint was dealt with by 12 federal courts Brigadier General Picurrently vacant, to be discharged by a federal judge Ariel Lijo. Notably, Lijo is one of two candidates. President Javier Milley for state supreme court The document is currently being debated in the Senate, whose president pro tempore is Abdullah.

Right ventricle/gastrointestinal tract

#worst #week #sincere #Senator #Abdullah #hes #denounced #liberal #accused #misappropriating #public #funds

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) questions related⁤ to the title “Scandals and Controversies Surrounding ⁣Bartolome Abdullah: A Senator Under Fire”:

Scandals ⁣and Controversies Surrounding Bartolome Abdullah: A Senator Under Fire

In recent⁤ days, Senator Bartolome Abdullah has⁤ faced a ‍barrage of criticism and controversy, with two complaints filed against him in⁤ less than a week. The first complaint, ⁢lodged by Diego Barsano, President of the Liberal ‍Party in the province of ‌Junin, accuses Abdullah‍ of forging membership records and using deceased persons and ​others without their​ consent to⁣ bolster his party’s numbers [[1]]. Barsano described Abdullah’s actions as “Pure Caste” and labeled him an⁣ “ordinary opportunist”.

The second complaint, filed by former⁤ economic criminal‌ judge Guillermo Tisconia, alleges that Abdullah misused public funds by using his congressional advisers to work ‍on his campaign for governor of St. Louis, his home province [[2]]. Tisconia accused‍ Abdullah of “taking advantage of services paid for ​by defrauded countries”.

Abdullah’s‍ troubles began ‌when he ⁣admitted to having 20 consultants dedicated to ⁤preparing his gubernatorial candidacy ‍in St. Louis. This revelation sparked concerns about the legitimacy of ‍his campaign and the integrity of his party’s records. The⁢ controversy ​surrounding Abdullah’s party​ membership records has also ⁢raised questions about ⁢the authenticity of his ‍supporters and ‍the‌ methods used to gather signatures.

The situation is ‍further complicated by‍ the fact that St. Louis has two electoral courts: a provincial electoral court and a federal electoral court. Abdullah is registered at the federal judicial district level, but if the‌ provincial seal ⁣made⁢ before is not affixed, ​problems will arise. ⁢This‍ has led some to speculate⁤ that Abdullah ⁣might change his ‌party’s name to “Freedom⁣ and Progress”, a label that is being‍ created now, in an attempt to distance himself from‌ the controversy ​ [[3]].

The accusations against‌ Abdullah have sparked a heated debate about the role of politics in society and ⁤the importance of‌ transparency and accountability in‌ governance. As Barsano noted, “The practice‍ of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they⁢ have the ​truth.”

the scandals surrounding Bartolome Abdullah​ have raised serious questions about his integrity and the legitimacy of his political ​ambitions. As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to ⁢be‍ seen how Abdullah will respond to the allegations and what consequences he will face. One thing is certain, however: the controversy has sparked a crucial ‍conversation about the importance of transparency and accountability‍ in politics.

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the title **”Scandals and Controversies Surrounding Bartolome Abdullah: A Senator Under Fire”**:

Scandals and Controversies Surrounding Bartolome Abdullah: A Senator Under Fire

Official Senator and President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Bartolome Abdullah, has been embroiled in controversies after admitting to having 20 consultants dedicated to preparing his gubernatorial candidacy in Saint Louis. Abdullah, a liberal leader, has been accused of forging membership records and embezzlement by two complaints filed against him.

Forged Membership Records

Diego Barsano, President of the Liberal Party initiated by the province of Junin and one of the founders of the space, which was launched in the province in 2018, claimed that Abdullah had established false affiliations, including deceased persons and others without their consent, for political groups. Barsano described Abdullah’s actions as “Pure Caste” and labeled him an “ordinary opportunist.”

Embezzlement Allegations

A second complaint was filed on Friday by a former economic criminal judge, Guillermo Tisconia, who accused Abdullah of using his congressional advisers to work on his campaign for governor of St. Louis, his home province. Tisconia insisted that Abdullah took advantage of services paid for by defrauded countries.

Defense Against Allegations

Lawyer for libertarian Balsano, Damian Bueno, warned Abdullah that he had falsified affiliations and had “a list of auctioneers nominated to compete, which he copied and pasted in its entirety, with wrong signing.” Bueno elaborated that one of the people noticed this and complained, and the person who verified the signature said she only received the completed form and signed it, but that doesn’t prove anything.

Protection from Federal Judges

Bueno also guaranteed that federal judges with elective jurisdiction, Juan Esteban Makeda, were Abdullah’s ‘lifelong friend’ and that cases started in 2022 had been stopped. He emphasized that under the protection of Judge Makeda, Abdullah is “sleeping the dream of a hero.” Balsano even filed a complaint again, citing “threaten”, after approval by pro-government senators.

Struggle for Control of Liberal Party

The underlying struggle is over who can keep the name liberal party. That’s because St. Louis has two electoral courts: a provincial electoral court and a federal electoral court. Abdullah is registered at the federal judicial district level. But if the provincial seal made before is not affixed, problems will arise.

People Also Ask (PAA) Questions

  1. Who is Bartolome Abdullah?

Answer: Bartolome Abdullah is an official Senator and President Pro Tempore of the Senate.

  1. What are the allegations against Bartolome Abdullah?

Answer: Abdullah has been accused of forging membership records and embezzlement.

  1. Who filed the complaints against Bartolome Abdullah?

Answer: The complaints were filed by liberal leader Diego Barsano and former economic criminal judge Guillermo Tisconia.

SEO Keywords: Bartolome Abdullah, Liberal Party, embezzlement, forged membership records, scandals, controversies, Senator, Saint Louis, gubernatorial candidacy.

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