Senate Vote Forecast: A Snapshot of Potential Stances on Judicial Reform

Senate Vote Forecast: A Snapshot of Potential Stances on Judicial Reform

MEXICO CITY.- Only one opposition senator has not made public his vote against – or in favor of – the reform of the judiciaryreveals the democratometer of the ‘Pink Tide’.

On the morning of this Wednesday 15 senators of the PRI and Citizen Movement had not spoken out against the reform proposed by the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

As the hours passed, more opposition senators confirmed to the Pink Tide organizations that they would vote against the initiative.

What is the “democratometer” and how does it work?

The organizations that make up the so-called Pink Tide announced the activation of a “democratometer.”

This is a follow-up to opposition senators who publicly declare that they will vote against the reform of the Judiciary.

The “democratometer” is published in the social networks of United, Civil Society Mexico, National Civic Frontamong others.

In addition, two screens were placed, one on the street of Madrid next to the headquarters Senate and another in Reformto display updates.

Lawmakers who publicly said they would vote against the reform are marked with a green check mark.

The list is updated every two to three hours, depending on the senators’ responses to the organization.

This is how the “democratometer” progresses today

Ana Lucia Medinaa member of the Pink Tide, explained that the 43 opposition senators were contacted to ask them two questions:

  • Confirm your attendance at the session to discuss the reform
  • Declare your vote against the initiative.

“We have exposed the names and photos of the 43 opposition senators, we have asked two questions through all the means of communication, which were made public,” he stressed.

This morning, the 22 senators of the PAN They immediately responded to the organization confirming their vote against.

Of Yucatanthis included the governor on leave, Mauricio Vila Dosal.

At around 10:30/10:40 in the morning, 15 senators from the PRI and Movimiento Ciudadano had not yet made public their vote against the reform.

Among them was the former governor of Yucatan, Rolando Zapata Bello and the emecist Luis Donaldo Colosio.

In the 2:30 pm update, 39 of the 43 opposition senators pledged to vote against.

The four missing ones were again Rolando Zapata, Miguel Riquelme y Carla Toledo, of the PRI as well as Francisco Barreda of Citizen Movement.

Senate Vote Forecast: A Snapshot of Potential Stances on Judicial Reform

The most recent update shows that all PRI senators, including Zapata Bello, had already confirmed their vote against.

Only Francisco Barreda of the Citizen Movement has not confirmed his position.

“There are statements that we see as confusing, they are not clear and we are not taking them into account until we receive confirmation,” said Ana Lucía Medina.

Civil organizations, workers of the Judicial Branch and citizens who do not support the initiative called on opposition senators to vote against the reform of AMLO.

Francisco Barreda is asked to clarify his position on judicial reform

The 5:00 pm update of the “democratometer” indicates that Francisco Barreda, senator of Campeche by the Citizen Movement, remains the only opposition legislator in the Upper House who has not confirmed its position.

So far, he has only made one post on social networks from the MC on the reform of the Judicial Branch at 12:35 pm.

Faced with this situation, Internet users have asked him not to vote in favour of the reform and to clarify his position.

This Thursday, the senator for Movimiento Ciudadano finally declared himself against judicial reform.

YOU MAY BE INTERESTED: Senate receives opinion on reform of the Judicial Branch; protests increase

#Democratometer #judicial #reform #senators #vote
2024-09-08 23:17:27



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