Senate confirms Justice Jackson’s nomination to US Supreme Court

With 53 votes once morest 47, Judge Jackson thus rallied the entire Democratic caucus as well as the Republicans Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins.

These three chosen ones had signaled their intention a few days ago, which paved the way for a confirmation that would not need the casting vote of Vice President Kamala Harris in the event of a tie.

The announcement of the results, greeted by a standing ovation in the Democratic camp, had been delayed because Republican Senator Rand Paul was late for the vote.

President Joe Biden, who had invited Judge Jackson to the White House for the conduct of the vote, applauded the result on Twitter.

« The confirmation [de la nomination] of Justice Jackson was a historic moment for our nation. We have gone one step further to ensure that our highest court reflects America’s diversity. »

A quote from Joe Biden, President of the United States

She will be an amazing judge, and I was honored to share this moment with her.he wrote.

A sign of the importance of this vote, it was Kamala Harris, the first black woman to become vice-president, who assumed the presidency.

It’s a wonderful day, a joyful day, an inspiring dayexclaimed before the vote the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Chuck Schumersaluting the model that Justice Brown will offer to generations of children.

It’s a great moment for Judge Jackson, but it’s an even greater moment for America as it rises to ‘a more perfect union’he said, alluding to the US Constitution.

However, this was not the time for celebration among Republicans, who have confirmed the appointment of three conservative judges in recent years.

Today the far left got the Supreme Court justice they wantedSenate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said ahead of the vote.

The 51-year-old magistrate will be sworn in when progressive judge Stephen Breyer, who has decided to retirewill cease to sit this summer.

The professional experience of Justice Jackson, a Harvard graduate who sits on the federal appeals court in Washington, contrasts with the usual profile of those who preceded her or who currently serve on the Court: in the mid-2000s , she was a defense attorney in the federal legal aid service.

Avoid further control from the right

Justice Brown is the first justice appointed to the Supreme Court by Democrats in 12 years, since Republicans, when they controlled the Senate in the era of Barack Obama, refused to hold a vote on the nomination of Merrick Garland.

Donald Trump was then able to appoint three judges, thus cementing the control of the conservative wing of the Court, presumably for decades.

The arrival of Judge Jackson will not change the balance of the Court – six conservatives and three progressives – since she succeeds progressive Judge Stephen Breyer, the 83-year-old dean of the institution.

However, it will allow the Democrats to avoid a scenario like the one caused by the Death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in September 2020, which swung the Supreme Court further to the right.

A Court that looks more like to america

From left to right beginning with the top row, U.S. Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Elena Kagan, Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts (Chief Justice), Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor.

Photo : Getty Images / AFP/ERIN SCHAFF

Since taking office, Joe Biden has greater emphasis on diversity than his predecessor Donald Trump.

When Judge Jackson was appointed to the Supreme Court last February, Joe Biden insisted on representativeness.

For too long our government, our courts, have not looked like America. I believe it is time we had a court that reflects all the talent and greatness of our nation, with a candidate with extraordinary qualificationshe said, announcing his choice.

Of the 116 justices appointed to the Supreme Court since 1789, 108 have been white men.

For the first time, they will not be in the majority at the Court, which will have four white men and a black man this summer, as well as four women, two white, one Hispanic and one black.

Joe Biden had announced its intention to appoint a black justice to the Supreme Court near the end of the Democratic primary cycle.

Even before knowing the identity of the chosen judge, Republicans had criticized the decisionprotesting once morest the exclusion of whites from this process.

The hearings devoted to his nomination were then marked by partisanship. Described by elected representatives of the Republican camp as an activist of the radical left and culture wokeJudge Jackson had to answer questions that are not usually asked of a candidate, such as: ”feme”?”,”text”:”Can you define the word ”woman”?”}}”>Can you define the word ”feme”? Where Are babies racist?

Some Republicans also accused her of being soft on pedophiles, which she defended herself once morest. Several analysts have seen this line of attack as an allusion to QAnon’s conspiracy theories, which make pedophilia a central issue.



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